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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

An innovative polymer made from silica nanoparticles which greatly reduces water consumption and energy usage in texile dyeing.

Description du projet

Le cycle de lavage est en passe d’être considérablement raccourci pour les fabricants de textiles

Quoi de plus frustrant que de laver ses nouveaux vêtements et de constater que leur couleur s’est estompée. Les fabricants sont confrontés à des casse-tête similaires. La teinture réactive est une méthode de coloration couramment utilisée en raison de la stabilité ultérieure des colorants réactifs dans les détergents liquides. Cependant, un pourcentage important du colorant s’hydrolyse pendant le processus de teinture, ce qui inhibe sa capacité à pénétrer les fibres. Cela implique des lavages et des rinçages en plusieurs étapes afin d’obtenir la couleur et la stabilité attendues par le consommateur. Par ailleurs, le processus entraîne une consommation d’énergie et d’eau considérable, nécessite un traitement important des eaux usées et coûte une petite fortune aux fabricants. Le projet H2COLOR-AUX, financé par l’UE, met sur le marché une nouvelle technologie destinée à prévenir l’hydrolyse, ce qui renforce considérablement la viabilité et la compétitivité des fabricants européens de textiles tout en protégeant notre planète.


The textile industry is a major contributor to global water consumption.Given that only 2.5% of the Earth’s water is freshwater and only 0.3% is accessible to humans, this is clearly unsustainable and grossly wasteful. Also, industrial manufacturing in the textile industry is responsible for 20% of all water pollution making it the number one polluter of clean water after agriculture. The dyeing process is the prime contributor to much of the water, time and energy consumption that takes place in the textile industry. On average, 60-80 litres of water are needed to dye 1kg of cotton and 80% of the total energy and 65% of the many environmentally hazardous chemicals produced in textile production are a result of the dyeing process. In addition, dyeing is also by far the most time-consuming process involved. Growing populations and consumer needs are demanding more efficient and faster production than ever. Ecofoot has developed H2COLOR, a revolutionary compound that prevents hydrolysis in the textile dyeing process. The H2COLOR combines with the dye and doesn't allow the dye to hydrolyse in water thus considerably reducing the number of washes and consequently reducing the water and energy costs, pollutants and production time for the dyehouses. The H2COLOR is a patented composition comprising nanoparticles that combine with the reactive dyes which is the base colour and needs to be transferred to the fabric, thus, preventing hydrolysis from taking place. During the phase 2 innovation project, Ecofoot will bring the H2COLOR closer to commercial launch. Ecofoot will produce 24 tons of the H2COLOR for validation in-house and validation of the efficacy of the H2COLOR will take place with three dye houses; two in Portugal and one in Italy. The project will also enable crucial commercial activities including implementation of IP strategy, communication strategy.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 100 750,00
4805-298 PONTE GMR

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Continente Norte Ave
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 1 572 500,00