Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IP4MaaS (Shift2Rail IP4 to support the deployment of Mobility as a Service)
Período documentado: 2020-12-01 hasta 2022-05-31
CFM project COHESIVE, supported by OCs, is consolidating the various building blocks developed in IP4 to demonstrate the added value of its solutions. IP4MaaS takes up the challenge of providing the individual IP4 IT solutions, by combining them into solutions for specific demonstration scenarios in multiple real environments in Europe. By collecting/analysing data, IP4MaaS provides an evidence-based assessment of the IP4 research outcomes from multiple points of view: (i) effectiveness of the IT solutions deployment; (ii) their adaptability to satisfy the requirements of customers and TSPs, (iii) the equity of their deployment in society; (iv) their market acceptance potential.
IP4MaaS targets to fulfill:
• Structured use cases provision: IP4M provides COHESIVE with relevant and comprehensive use cases, defining a methodology for future ones.
• Methodology for data collection/analysis: IP4M defines a methodology addressing the use cases, that (i) allows data collection/analysis beyond the project life; (ii) facilitates its replicability. Homogeneity in the terminology, variables, metrics allows the comparison of the results.
• Consideration of specific needs/expectations and special user group: IP4MaaS develops mechanisms to measure contribution of COHESIVE to match needs/expectations of various user groups with TSPs ones.
IP4MaaS has 4 demo execution pillars:
• Planning: technological integration/alignment of demos’ objectives with TSPs’ bylaws and policy.
• Monitoring: of demos, for smooth execution.
• Assessment: impact of activities after the demos ‘end.
• Outreach: increase IP4 technologies visibility/attractiveness.
IP4MaaS, started in 2020, supports the demonstration of IP4technologies, leading to their execution, monitoring, results assessment (effectiveness + user satisfaction), defining an elaborate plan for demo execution, extending knowledge from previous projects.
In WP3 (Methodological framework of IP4 demonstrations), the list of IP4MaaS operational KPIs was refined. Moreover, the structure of TSPs and Travelers User Satisfaction Index questionnaires concerning IP4 functionalities was updated. IP4 terminology was refined.
In IP4, a Technology Integration Plan was formulated, as well as User Engagement Strategy and Demonstration Execution Plan for C-REL, providing holistic planning of the demonstrations. Data, Integration and Management Committees commenced their operations facilitating data and information exchanges between CFMs and IP4MaaS, organizing data collection and coordinating demo actions.
In WP5, all required materials (documentation, APIs, endpoints) were provided from the demo sites to CFMs. The demo sites cooperated in many tasks of the other WPs (WP2-WP4) and also with CFMs projects. Attention was paid to the pilot preparation for Athens demo site.
IP4MaaS set up the work procedures, defined project management plan, quality assurance/risk assessment methodology, developed data management plan and Ethics Requirements.
A visual identity/templates, a logo and the official website have been created. IP4M social media accounts allow to interact with broad audiences, defined in the dissemination & communication strategy. A Stakeholders’ workshop was organized, presenting the project and discussing MaaS and door-2-door solutions. IP4M was presented in several events and through articles and papers. A leaflet was produced and translated.
1. Facilitating the establishment of an innovative digital ecosystem supporting travelers in Europe.
2. Helping establish the practices for TSPs to join this ecosystem and offer their services within it.
3. Devising/applying a methodology for designing and driving demonstrations and assessing their results in a uniform manner.
Within IP4MaaS, an analysis of user needs was carried out through innovative techniques: conversational surveys (new way of engaging survey responders have been used to directly ask questions) and opinion mining techniques (to automatically analyze users’ sentiment via social media¬).
IP4MaaS outcomes impact on existing CFM complementary projects, developing passenger service platform specifications for an enhanced multi-modal transport eco-system. The relevant expected impact of this complementary topic is related to the integration of urban sprawl underpinned by the opportunities that the digitalisation of transport brings. This is relevant for the implementation of truly user-centric services for co-modality.
IP4MaaS contributes to the S2R Strategic Master Plan and Multi-Annual Action Plan (“To develop secured customer experience applications [...] reflecting customer preferences […] and match these with the traveller's preferences and D2D itineraries”). S2R MAAP also defines 12 key innovation capabilities. IP4MaaS contributes to #2 MaaS and #11 Environmental and Social Sustainability by creating the technical solutions positioning rail as the backbone of MaaS offerings, integrating private transport and shared services increasing vehicle occupancy and public transport patronage leading to environmental and health benefits. The focus on urban and rural corridors and their integration into larger mobility solutions enhances this impact. IP4MaaS contributes to deliver the goal of a single European rail area, strengthening rail competitiveness and attractiveness.
IP4MaaS assessment pillar measures how the demos support the CO2/pollutants emission reduction.
IP4MaaS enhances the competitiveness of the diverse business involved as partners. The take-up of solutions demonstrated in the demo sites ensure the creation of permanent/high-quality jobs. IP4MaaS combines the extensive knowledge from stakeholders in multiple areas.
IP4MaaS positively impacts the national/international environmental targets (EU Green Deal goal of “Accelerating shift to sustainable/smart mobility”), integrating private and shared vehicles, reducing emissions, enhancing the rail and other public transport services attractiveness offering door-to-door seamless services.
IP4MaaS coordinates 6 demos in 2 Phases (Padua, Liberec, Athens, Osijek, Barcelona, Warsaw), impacting on the integration of rural/peri-urban areas to the wider transport network (including long distance transport), enhancing connectivity and social cohesion.