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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

AI-as-a-Service for the Deep Edge

Description du projet

Une plateforme «IA en tant que service» pour exploiter pleinement le potentiel du «Deep Edge»

Les conceptions basées sur l’intelligence artificielle (IA) font partie intégrante de l’ensemble des applications et dispositifs intelligents que nous utilisons quotidiennement. Ce domaine se développe à un rythme rapide, car on a constamment besoin de nouveaux cadres pour utiliser et optimiser les applications. L’objectif du projet BonsAPPs, financé par l’UE, consiste à développer une couche «AI-as-a-Service» (IA en tant que service) entièrement fonctionnelle et évolutive qui interagira avec la plateforme d’IA à la demande, en tant que service externe. Cette innovation permettra d’améliorer une plateforme d’IA existante dans le but de couvrir les phases d’expérimentation, d’évaluation comparative, de déploiement et d’octroi de licences sécurisées pour des solutions d’IA au niveau du «Deep Edge», comme l’IA intégrée dans tous les dispositifs intelligents de notre vie quotidienne.


BonsAPPs will develop a fully functional (TRL-8), scalable AI-as-a-Service layer (AI-aaS) that will interoperate with the AI on demand platform as an external service. The service layer will enhance an existing AI platform (Bonseyes Marketplace) to cover experimentation, benchmarking, deployment and secure licensing of AI solutions at the Deep Edge. Project-funded Use Cases will demonstrate how Bonseyes Marketplace Platform simplifies time-consuming non-functional tasks in AI design, produces AI at a lower cost and offers specific means to scale innovations once put into the market. Two rounds of use cases will drive supply from AI professionals and demand from End Users to explore the potential gains of AI at the Deep Edge. End users, mainly SMEs/non-tech users lacking internal innovation capacities, will receive guidance in launching Industry Challenges fitting their needs. Specialized AI developers and integrators (AI Talents) will engage with them into an open innovation cycle to solve challenges; Edge AI Apps will be developed and integrated in Solutions at the Deep Edge using different deployment platforms. Coordinated by an AI SME-aware of existing barriers to bring AI innovations into the market, eight complementary partners participate: six technology partners in charge of frontend, backend , security and licensing and interoperability with development platforms, (will also provide technical support to the Use Case Owners); a specialist in Open Call Management; a specialist in digital business coordinating communication and dissemination. AI Talents involved will also have the possibility, under specific re-use licensing framework, of commercializing these results (develop new Apps/Solutions for other end users). Engagement of all relevant audiences (AI4EU community, AI researchers/developers, non-tech SMEs, clusters and value-chain leaders) is secured by the outreach capacities of partners to startups, corporate-led/RTO-led AI and Digital Innovation Hubs.

Appel à propositions


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Sous appel


Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 477 564,99
Route de Moutier 14
2800 Delemont

Voir sur la carte

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Espace Mittelland Jura
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 2 477 564,99

Participants (8)