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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE



Período documentado: 2021-02-01 hasta 2022-07-31

The Lisbon Treaty defines the European Research Area (ERA) as a unified research area open to the world and based on the internal market. The ERA enables free circulation of researchers, scientific knowledge and technology. In this context, the EU-funded EDUC-SHARE project aims to transform the alliance of the European Digital UniverCity (EDUC) into a fully integrated university that achieves its missions (education, research and innovation at the European scale). The reasoning behind this is to give full importance to European citizens’ participation in identifying and solving current and future challenges in an open science-oriented approach, while promoting EU values and fundamental rights.

The EDUC-SHARE project aims to deepen ongoing transformation and institutional changes of both the EDUC university members and the alliance as a whole, based on their own identified needs with an Open-Science-oriented evolution of practices. As part of its deployment, EDUC-SHARE will identify barriers at the institutional, local, national or European levels that will be reported to the relevant authorities in order to lower them for achieving a full integration of its proposed actions at the alliance or inter-alliance level. The EDUC alliance will then serve as a model of implemented European Research Area (ERA) and European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by creating a favourable, inclusive, environment interconnecting research and innovation ecosystems of its university members to speed up technology transfer taking into account citizens' concerns in policy making.

The work in the EDUC-SHARE project is organized along three specific objectives:
Objective 1: To jointly develop pilot tools and methodologies to enhance multidisciplinary collaborative research, speed up technology transfer and promote sustainable career development in an Open-Science-oriented approach.
Objective 2: To share a long-term roadmap for addressing identified key global challenges that the EDUC alliance members will jointly tackle with a multidisciplinary approach.
Objective 3: To share a career development agenda in line with the HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) with the aim of offering an open, inclusive, favourable work environment within the Alliance with common policies in Ethics, Equality and Parity.
The project has six specific work packages (WPs) and each of them has been coordinated by one partner university.
WP1 led by the University of Cagliari: Long-term Research and Innovation agenda for tackling key global challenges
The development of a common research and innovation agenda, a networking platform for EDUC research teams, and reinforcement of research technical assistance services within the EDUC Alliance is tackled in the framework of this WP. The main outcomes achieved in the first reporting period include:
- Creation of platform and integration of it in the digital infrastructures of the EDUC Alliance community of researchers.
- Registration of research groups and sub-groups focused on the seven priority topics on the OpenUp platform to deepen research interactions.
- Development of an Action Plan for the improvement of Technical Assistance services at the EDUC Alliance level.
WP2 led by Masaryk University: Research infrastructure
The aim is to reinforce the development and implementation of the EDUC research agenda by stocktaking of available research infrastructures and by facilitation of their mutual opening. Thanks to that the alliance creates tools and conditions to maximize the openness of science in EDUC. The main outcomes achieved in the first reporting period include:
- Inventory of research infrastructures established. Currently, there are more than 50 core facilities listed in OpenUp, available to 122 users of the on-line platform.
- Contacts and initial cooperation established with other university alliances in the field of research infrastructures.
- EDUC Alliance Open Science Strategic Framework 2022-2026
WP3 led by the University of Potsdam: Citizen engagement
The objective is to find effective ways to engage citizens in science and thereby raise public awareness of the role of science, research and the public in policy-making. The main outcomes achieved in the first reporting period include:
- Mapping process of the institutions' services and existing events focusing on citizen engagement with the aim to create the Action plan for EDUC events to raise awareness for science among the citizens.
- A joint analysis of the mapping by the alliance in order identify several good practices at different partner universities on which to build the exchanges and to implement them at the EDUC level until 31 January 2024.
- Network building and links to other WPs and tasks within the EDUC Alliance through platform.
WP5 led by Rennes 1 University: HRS4R process
The project engages all Alliance members in a shared sustainable career development roadmap. University members benefit from each institution's experience to improve their own human resource policies while expanding and enhancing their own development initiatives, strengthening their impacts, and broadening their scope. The main outcomes achieved in the first reporting period include methodologies for the different phases of the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ labelling in the framework of the HRS4R.
WP6 led by the University Paris Nanterre: Soft skill training offer
By setting up a program to raise awareness and develop soft skills, the alliance reinforces the notion of ‘learning community’, by making them a shared objective within universities between students, researchers, and administrative staff. The main outcomes achieved in the first reporting period include a survey that has been carried out in all EDUC institutions to assess the perception of researchers and administrative staff of their own soft skills, and to understand their needs in terms of soft skills training.
EDUC-SHARE is expected to:
• Reinforce research collaboration, accelerate technology and knowledge transfer, increase citizen engagement, expand public outreach and promote gender equality and ethics within the alliance.
• To support the institutional transformation of the universities and encourage future synergies between Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ Program.
• To increase internationalisation of university activities in the field of research and innovation within and beyond Europe while raising the international profile of the the alliance.

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