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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

iNteracting netwOrk of inTelligence and securIty practitiOners with iNdustry and acadEmia actorS

Description du projet

Un coup de pouce pour les services de sécurité et de renseignement

Les cyberattaques devenant de plus en plus dangereuses dans notre paysage numérique actuel où tout est connecté, il convient de développer des méthodes et des technologies pour y faire face. Le projet NOTIONES, financé par l’UE, s’attaquera à ce danger en créant un réseau de professionnels issus des services de sécurité et de renseignement. Il rassemblera 30 partenaires, professionnels des services de sécurité et de renseignement militaires, civils, financiers, judiciaires, locaux, nationaux et internationaux, provenant de neuf États membres de l’UE et de six pays associés. Ils suivront ensemble les résultats issus de la recherche universitaire et de l’innovation industrielle, puis proposeront des actions à mener. L’équipe du projet NOTIONES organisera des conférences et des ateliers, auxquels elle participera pour présenter ses conclusions à la communauté du renseignement au sens large.


NOTIONES is a Latin lemma meaning “notions, ideas, investigations, cognisance” and therefore refers to “being informed”.
The Call requires (a) to build a network of practitioners from security and intelligence services of EU MS & AC that has the objective (b) to support the needs of the security and intelligence services of the MS & AC for future security research programming. To address these requirements, NOTIONES consortium includes: (a) 15 practitioners from military, civil, financial, judiciary, local, national and international polices, coming from 9 EU MS and 6 AC. These practitioners, together with the other consortium members, grant a complete coverage of the 4 EU main areas: West Europe (PT, ES, UK, FR, IT, DE, AT), North Europe (FI, DK, SE, EE, LV), Middle Europe (PO, SK, UK), Middle East (IL, TR, GE, BG, BA, MK) for a total of 21 countries; (b) experts in security research programming. The NOTIONES’ S&T Coordinator is one of the 50 members of ESRAB and of the 64 members of ESRIF, the two Committees charged by the EC to outline its funding policy related to security research programming. In addition to that, the NOTIONES’ consortium includes 5 partners of PYTHIA and SOLOMON (Z&P, EXPSYS, ICSA, BDI, LESO), the two projects outlining the EDA/EC future defence research programming.
The monitoring of technologies and the definition of requirements and recommendations for their industrialization will provide a great advantage to practitioners in the fields of intelligence and security. Through an iterative cycle, the output recommendations will be synthesized into specifications that can be provided to industry and academy across Europe, providing tangible benefits to those organisations engaged in intelligence and security.
The results of the NOTIONES project, which has a lifetime of five years, will be presented to the broad intelligence community in workshops and conferences and will contribute to the definition of further security and intelligence research

Champ scientifique

CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.

Appel à propositions


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Sous appel



Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 554 812,50

Voir sur la carte

Noreste País Vasco Gipuzkoa
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 554 812,50

Participants (30)