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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Disconnected research and development: The (temporary) spatial patterns of innovation

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DISCO (Disconnected research and development: The (temporary) spatial patterns of innovation)

Período documentado: 2021-10-01 hasta 2022-11-30

Scholars recently observe an increasing spatial disconnect between research and development (R&D) activities within global firms, in particular from emerging markets. These firms off-shore their research activities to centers of state-of-the-art knowledge while they might keep product development closer to their original locations. This is of major concern to our society because this spatial split channels global knowledge flows and affects the ability of regions to produce innovative output. This project aims at understanding the dynamics of spatial (re-)organization of R&D in relation to firm development. Because we still know too little about how stable this spatial disconnect is, based on initial evidence that it might only temporary exists, DISCO uses information from patents to build an indicator and a firm-typology revealing the global patterns of which type of R&D activity is performed at which locations and how this changes over time. The project provides a quantitative measure for the type of R&D activity that goes beyond the qualitative measures often used to study this phenomenon. Applying the indicator reveals for instance similarities and differences between the R&D internationalization of emerging and established market firms. This can yield new evidence on innovation capability building and successful development trajectories in R&D internationalization. The findings provide a more profound understanding of the temporality of globally splitting R&D activities, with implications for firms and the regional development of emerging as well as established markets.
A basic indicator for the type of offshore R&D activity within multinational firms was built, that shows the similarity of R&D activity conducted at offshore locations to the R&D activities conducted at the firm's headquarters. This measure enables us to categorize the type of activity as technology seeking or technology exploiting as well as follow it over time. This way we can analyze the sequence of the company's R&D internationalization strategy and identify types of strategies. For instance the data reveals that a common pattern might be for firms to start with technology seeking activities and then move into technology exploitation, but most firms stick with one or the other over a longer time frame. A detailed documentation of how the indicator is constructed as well as the visualization of the results can be found on the project website. Moreover, this will be accompanied by an explanation video
The indicator can be a very useful tool for researchers, regional policy makers and educators. It provides the first quantitative patent based indicator to categorize the R&D internationalization strategy of multinational firms, an area in which so far mostly qualitative data has been used. Through the detailed documentation of the indicator it can be recreated, improved and applied to many different questions on R&D internationaliuzation strategies.