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Simple and Smart Energy Communities for All

Description du projet

Aider les héros locaux à promouvoir le prosumérisme

Les consommateurs sont le moteur de la transition énergétique en Europe. Mais ce n’est pas tout. Ils deviennent également des producteurs d’énergie renouvelable. Dans ce contexte, le projet SHAREs, financé par l’UE, passera en revue les conditions actuelles à remplir pour devenir prosommateur, afin d’évaluer le risque potentiel d’un monde énergétique à deux vitesses divisant les «nantis» et les «non-nantis». Nous avons, d’une part, les consommateurs disposant des connaissances, de l’accès et de la possibilité de devenir des prosommateurs. De l’autre, l’on trouve les personnes qui ne possèdent pas les ressources, le savoir-faire, l’éducation ou le temps pour participer et tirer parti des nouvelles possibilités. Le projet SHAREs aidera les héros locaux à lancer des initiatives et à se développer. Une initiative clé à cet égard consistera en la conception d’une boîte à outils de mise en œuvre propre à chaque pays visant à doter les héros locaux de capacités techniques et logistiques.


The Clean Energy for all Europeans package paves the way for an energy revolution by putting the consumer in the driving seat of the green transition process. Energy communities offer the unique opportunity for consumers to form critical mass and become renewable energy producers and offer their demand flexibility to the market. However, the current requirements of becoming a prosumer bear a crucial risk that ultimately there will be a two-speed energy world: those who have the knowledge, access and opportunity to become a prosumer, and those who lack the resources, know-how, education or time to participate in and benefit from the new opportunities. Therefore, there is a clear need to support local heroes (i.e. those interested in setting up collective actions) in establishing their energy community and enable them to motivate and target consumers directly. This is particularly important for countries where energy communities are yet to be established. The concept of SHAREs is simple and straightforward: create a SHAREs Gateway for local heroes to help them initiate an action and grow, which consists of: (1) A country-specific implementation toolkit to equip local heroes with the technical and logistic capacity to set up their energy community (legal framework, such as master contracts, technical and IT solutions, business models, etc.); (2) The building blocks of a tailored “pick-and-mix” communication campaign to enable local heroes to promote their idea effectively to their most relevant consumer groups. The SHAREs Gateway combines the insights and tools from existing initiatives as well as input of established energy communities (pioneers) and policy developers. After having been put to test and refined in at least 20 aspiring energy communities in 6 European countries, the SHAREs Gateway will be broadly disseminated to relevant stakeholders all over Europe.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 520 138,75
1150 Wien

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Ostösterreich Wien Wien
Type d’activité
Coût total
€ 520 138,75

Participants (9)