Descripción del proyecto
Diseñar soluciones nuevas para las ciencias de la vida
Formar a científicos jóvenes en las nuevas tecnologías con el objetivo de mejorar la investigación sobre ciencias de la vida es fundamental para obtener avances industriales y científicos relacionados con ellas. El proyecto ENROL, financiado con fondos europeos, pretende formar a veinte investigadores noveles excepcionales en el estudio y el desarrollo de tecnologías innovadoras y soluciones de ingeniería para las ciencias de la vida. El programa está dirigido a investigadores noveles interesados en conseguir un doctorado y en aprovechar la orientación y supervisión para desarrollar tecnologías y materiales nuevos y mejorar su pensamiento crítico. ENROL ayudará a los investigadores a llevar a cabo su trabajo en un marco interdisciplinar que conecte la ingeniería, la tecnología y la biología. El programa se centra en tres áreas de investigación: predicción teórica, sistemas modelo y análisis; síntesis, estructuración e instrumentalización; y aplicaciones biológicas.
ENROL – the Engineering for Life Sciences Doctoral Programme” is set up to educate and train a new generation of high achieving early stage researchers (ESRs) to study and develop novel technologies and engineering solutions for the life sciences. The education philosophy of ENROL is based on creativity, curiosity, ability, and passion. Within the programme, we want to create a strong community of ESRs and mentor, guide, and stimulate them in their creativity to develop, based on their ideas, new materials and technologies as well as enhance their problem-solving skills and critical thinking. ENROL will recruit 20 academically exceptional ESRs who are committed to science and are strongly interested in pursuing a doctorate degree and carrying out research work in an interdisciplinary framework on the interface between engineering, technology and biology. The scientific goal of ENROL is to engineer functional interfaces between inorganic and bio-organic systems in order to push them towards new levels of understanding and technological applications. We thus propose a combined and synergistic effort based on the following three research areas (RA) within which 25 research projects will be offered for the candidates to choose from during recruitment and selection: RA1: Theoretical Prediction, Model Systems, and Analysis; RA2: Synthesis, Structuring & Instrumentation; RA3: Biological Applications. Each ESR will complete a research project within the frame of ENROL with specific objectives, a personalized time schedule and a career development plan (CDP) including transferrable skills training. The research project will be complemented by secondments at institutions of different scientific disciplines (within and outside ENROL) and industrial partner organizations. The secondments will strengthen the interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaborations, and the training of the ESRs will benefit from the multidisciplinary nature of the programme.
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-COFUND-DP - Doctoral programmesCoordinador
1040 Wien