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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability

Descripción del proyecto

Formar a los líderes en sostenibilidad marina

Nuestros mares y océanos podrán seguir funcionando y brindándonos bienes y servicios para siempre, pero solo si los explotamos de manera sostenible. En la actualidad, las zonas costeras y marinas se enfrentan a múltiples retos, y existe una necesidad imperiosa de alcanzar la sostenibilidad marina. En este contexto, este programa de becas de investigación profesionales y de movilidad en la Universidad de Bergen (Noruega) formará a los líderes europeos en investigación para la sostenibilidad marina. Concretamente, el proyecto financiado con fondos europeos SEAS es un programa de becas de investigación de posdoctorado para treinta y siete investigadores que ofrecerá oportunidades de investigación y enseñanza transdisciplinar. El objetivo del programa es promover la investigación de excelencia en el nexo entre ciencia marina, sociedad y política.


SEAS will provide exceptional inter- and transdisciplinary research and training opportunities, supported by a dedicated team supervision and inter-sectoral mentoring scheme for 37 ERs in the area of marine sustainability, a strategic focus of the beneficiary University of Bergen, Norway. The SEAS programme promotes excellent, transdisciplinary research at the marine science-society-policy nexus. The programme will attract excellent researchers (for both incoming and outgoing mobility) through an inclusive, transparent, merit-based, and structured recruitment process. The ERs will acquire novel insight and skills in high-calibre research projects set within a transdisciplinary context, with the opportunity to transfer knowledge and skills between disciplines, organisations and sectors, and to harness entrepreneurial mindsets for innovation. SEAS will offer academic freedom, equal opportunities, personal career support, structured skill-based training, a regional ecosystem of marine actors, and high-quality working conditions. The ERs will be employed in postdoctoral researcher positions at UiB, with three-year contracts and full social coverage. Through SEAS, the ERs will gain unprecedented possibilities to diversify their marine career options within Norway, the European Research Area (ERA) and internationally.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 4 082 580,00
Coste total
€ 8 165 160,00