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CORDIS - EU research results

Logics for Computer Science Program at TU Wien

Project description

A high-quality PhD for logics and computer science

An important interdisciplinary field of study requires knowledge of both logic and computer science. The EU-funded LogiCS_at_TUWien project will implement a unique combination of disciplines where logical methods influence critically practical computer science applications to benefit society. The project will carry out a doctoral programme with strong international visibility to attract exceptionally talented students. The research topics include artificial intelligence (AI), databases, verification, algorithms, security, distributed and cyber-physical systems that are dictated by industry demand and real-world problems. The project will institutionalise a high-quality PhD programme following the seven EU principles on doctoral training, and create a hub in Austria and Europe for logic-related education and training.


The Logics for Computer Science Program at TU Wien (LogiCS@TUWien) will be a top international graduate program implementing a unique combination of disciplines where logical methods have a decisive impact on practical computer science and society in the coming decades. Leveraging a multitude of existing grants, initiatives, and collaborations, the LogiCS@TUWien program will match research strength with a doctoral program of strong international visibility that is highly attractive to excellent students. The 13 experienced doctoral supervisors are world leading experts in their respective fields, who attracted significant funding achievements in recent years, including 4 ERC grants, 5 Austrian grants of similar endowment and competitiveness, and a grant for a highly successful doctoral college on Logical Methods in Computer Science (funded from 2014 to 2022), which has attracted 78 brilliant doctoral students. The proposed program improves significantly over this predecessor program, in particular by adding a strong focus on intersectoral exposure and collaboration. The research topics in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Verification, Algorithms, Security, Distributed and Cyber-physical Systems are driven by demand from industry and real-world problems. This is enabled by the supervisors' strong ties to industry, as evidenced by their spinoffs, and by the regular internships of their doctoral students at research labs of major companies at national and international levels. LogiCS@TUWien will achieve long-term impact by institutionalizing a high-quality PhD program following the seven EU Principles to ensure an innovative doctoral training, and will create a hub in Austria and Europe for logic-related education and training. Interdisciplinarity, a holistic view and the ability to address new challenging problems will shape the career development of outstanding postdocs, future faculty members and visionary leaders in industry.


Net EU contribution
€ 2 169 600,00
1040 Wien

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Ostösterreich Wien Wien
Activity type
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Total cost
€ 4 339 200,00