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Research & Innovation For Cities and Citizens

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RI4C2 (Research & Innovation For Cities and Citizens)

Reporting period: 2021-09-01 to 2023-02-28

The seven universities of the European Universities Alliance “European Campus of City-Universities - EC2U” are joining forces to extend the activities of the EC2U Alliance to the fields of Research and Innovation (R&I). The project “Research & Innovation For Cities & Citizens – RI4C2” is based on recent key initiatives supported or developed by the European Commission in the four core domains of the Knowledge square: Education, Research, Innovation and Service to society. In the RI4C2 project, the seven partners are working towards a common, overarching objective to create a shared Pan-European Knowledge Ecosystem (PEKE). A Knowledge ecosystem is a framework that gathers all actors from the Knowledge square at any given level (local or national) to foster dynamic interactions between said entities to improve Knowledge circulation and boost collaboration in a constantly changing environment.
To reach this overarching objective, the RI4C2 project is developing a process that involves gradual and adaptive transformation of all aspects of the R&I missions across the participating universities: capacity building at the service of the research community, gradual alignment of R&I strategies, empowerment of all stakeholders via an enhanced networking space, and active involvement of Citizens. The aimed PEKE can also be viewed as the most ambitious framework in the integration vs. activity chart presented in figure 1. This innovative framework is being achieved by taking stock of the structures created under the EC2U Erasmus+ project and by complementing them with eight RI4C2 Work Packages (WPs):
- WP1 “Transformation management”, led by the University of Poitiers
- WP2 “EC2U R&I agenda”, led by the University of Salamanca
- WP3 “EC2U People empowerment”, led by the University of Coimbra
- WP4 “EC2U R&I platforms”, led by the University of Pavia
- WP5 “EC2U innovation sphere”, led by the University of Jena
- WP6 “EC2U Knowledge Ecosystems”, led by the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
- WP7 “Open EC2U”, led by the University of Turku
- WP8 “Transformation dissemination”, led by the University of Poitiers
WP1 has the objective of creating a roadmap for joint R&I activities, pursuing the dialogue with the EC2U Alliance governance and putting together the pieces of the future PEKE. WP1 has thus created a Data Management Plan, analysed relevant European legal statute for Alliances of European Universities, and written a Policy Brief. WP1 also ensures constant dialogue between the EC2U Erasmus+ and the RI4C2 projects by sharing RI4C2 results during open and interactive sessions at the EC2U Forums.
WP2 is creating a common R&I agenda that will significantly impact the EC2U Alliance’s R&I capacity. WP2 has conducted a large-scale survey on R&I needs among the academia and external stakeholders to bring forth preferred fields for future studies among the EC2U communities. Furthermore, all R&I activities in the seven EC2U universities have been mapped.
WP3 aims at supporting researchers in their career paths, ensuring balanced mobility, and providing equal opportunities for all. WP3 has worked on the creation of a guide that outlines recommendations for partners who have not yet received the HRS4R label certification, based on the experience of the partners who have already been awarded with the label.
In parallel, WP4 is offering digital support to the other WPs and is extending the recently created EC2U Connect Centre to R&I fields. A database directory, an R&I capacity database, as well as a Knowledge Ecosystems database have already been created. In addition, the WP4 Board and the MaCo have defined the dissemination level(s) of the different datasets.
WP5 aims to reinforce the existing local innovation networks and connect them at the European level, by organising joint activities and sharing best practices and tools. WP5 has developed a multifaceted network between the Lighthouses of Innovation, organised “Virtual EC2U Innovation Lecture Series”, and discussed best practices during a virtual workshop; a first step towards the “Recipes of Innovation” publication.
WP6 aims at developing a framework for local Knowledge Ecosystems and involving citizens in all stages of the R&I process. This has been done by identifying Citizen Science champions, analysing the existing EC2U local Knowledge Ecosystems, designing instruments to measure civic engagement in R&I activities, and selecting three concrete R&I topics for Citizen Science projects.
WP7 aims at promoting openness in science and innovation. To do so, WP7 has collected case descriptions of existing Open Science practices from each EC2U university, analysed them and produced a synthetic report. This led to the creation of a guide for Open Science champions, to accelerate the transition to Open Science for the whole EC2U community.
WP8 disseminates RI4C2 results and outputs to the EC2U communities and fosters cooperation between Alliances via the coordination of FOREU2 (Group of 24 Alliances). WP8 has thus promoted RI4C2 results to key stakeholders at the EC2U Forum. Furthermore, WP8 has set up FOREU2 communication tools, a shared platform and thematic sub-groups and has reported on FOREU2 meetings.
The expected main results of the RI4C2 project include the following:
• The creation of a PEKE that will boost R&I activities and capacity within the EC2U Alliance.
• The gradual alignment of Partner Universities’ R&I strategies.
• The development of a reference framework for researcher career development.
• The expansion of the EC2U Connect Centre.
• The establishment of a network between the Lighthouses of Innovation across the EC2U Partner Universities.
• The definition of a common framework for Knowledge Ecosystems, Citizen Science and Living Labs, to really involve citizens in research.
• The promotion of Open Science best practices within the EC2U Alliance.
• The creation of a common cooperation space among all European University Alliances, FOREU2.
The socio-economic impacts resulting from the implementation of the RI4C2 project are expected to be significant on the EC2U Alliance as a whole but also on the individual universities. The creation of a PEKE and the alignment of R&I strategies will boost the R&I activities and capacity of the partner universities, resulting in increased competitiveness and growth. The development of a reference framework for researcher career development and the promotion of balanced mobility and equal opportunities will likely lead to the attraction and retention of talented researchers, enhancing the human capital of the EC2U Alliance. This will foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, leading to the creation of new jobs and economic opportunities. The expansion of the EC2U Connect Centre and the establishment of a network between the Lighthouses of Innovation across the partner universities will create opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing, fostering the development of new products, services, and technologies. This will enhance the innovation ecosystem and create a favourable environment for start-ups and entrepreneurs, contributing to the growth of the European economy. Finally, the project's contribution to developing the UNSDGs will have far-reaching social and economic impacts, including improved public health, increased access to quality education, and the development of sustainable urban environments, among other impacts.
Figure 1 Integration vs. activity chart of R&I networks