Project description
Research and innovation to address societal challenges
ENHANCE is an alliance of seven European Universities of Technology aiming to promote the development of science and technology for societal benefit, and is part of the Erasmus+ funding programme. The EU-funded ENHANCERIA project will support the research and innovation dimensions of ENHANCE, focusing on the universities' role as drivers of sustainable development. The project will bring together creative citizens to cooperate across borders and disciplines, addressing societal challenges and contributing to the modernisation of universities and the revised European Research Area (ERA). Moreover, it will focus on sustainable development and entrepreneurship, innovation ecosystems, human resource development and research infrastructures, engaging its partners in developing measures towards ENHANCE's visions.
ENHANCERIA will contribute to the aim of the European Universities: bringing together creative citizens to cooperate across languages, borders and disciplines to address societal challenges, and contribute towards the modernization of universities and the revised European Research Area (ERA).
ENHANCERIA will support and strengthen the research and innovation dimensions of ENHANCE, the European Universities of Technology Alliance, through developing a transformation agenda for the alliance focusing on the role of universities as drivers and enablers of sustainable development.
Focus will be on four areas: sustainable development through transdisciplinary research, sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems, human resource development, and research infrastructures.
ENHANCERIA will enable ENHANCE to include all core activities of modern universities - education, research and innovation (including service to society) - in the activities of the alliance. In developing an institutional transformation agenda the partners will explore, exchange and develop measures towards achieving the long-term vision of ENHANCE: driving responsible societal transformation through a strong alliance of European Universities of Technology.
Sub-objectives of ENHANCERIA are:
- Exploring practices, ways of working and structures across the alliance
- Establishing and widening international networks of employees within research and innovation
- Developing models for collaboration and recommendations for implementation
- Disseminating and exchanging models and practices
- Increasing the internationalization of research and innovation activities
- Identifying challenges and barriers at institutional, national and European level
- Developing new initiatives to be funded through internal, national and international sources
- H2020-EU.5. - SCIENCE WITH AND FOR SOCIETY Main Programme
Funding Scheme
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinator
7491 Trondheim