Descripción del proyecto
Todos juntos en pos de una Europa igualitaria y sostenible
Los cambios sociales a escala mundial precisan de nuevos modelos y metodologías de educación y ciencia que se adapten a los complejos problemas de sostenibilidad a los que se enfrentan las ciudades y sociedades contemporáneas. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos ENLIGHT RISE abordará cinco retos: salud y bienestar, cambio climático, energía y economía circular, revolución digital y equidad. En concreto, el proyecto respaldará la red universitaria europea ENLIGHT, compuesta por nueve universidades emblemáticas integrales de gran productividad en investigación y con una reputación sólida. El objetivo general del proyecto es aprovechar las fortalezas colectivas y rentabilizar las asociaciones y el potencial de innovación para así lograr una Europa más sostenible, igualitaria, sana y ecológica. Generará un modelo nuevo que reforzará la cocreación con la sociedad en general y el sector empresarial.
ENLIGHT is a European university Network to promote equitable quality of Life, sustainability and global engagement through Higher education Transformation. It brings together 9 comprehensive, research-intensive, new flagship universities with a strong reputation. ENLIGHT strives to transform the way in which we address global societal challenges by developing new models and methodologies for education and research adapted to the complex sustainability issues facing cities and communities today.; ENLIGHT focuses on five flagship challenges: Health & Well-being, Climate change, Energy & Circular Economy, Digital Revolution and Equity. With ENLIGHT RISE (Research and Innovation agenda with and for SociEty) we will support ENLIGHT in its R&I dimension, to deploy a comprehensive joint transformation agenda, in synergy with the educational component, in partnership with surrounding ecosystems, and with the overarching goal of serving our societal missions. The objective is to become more competitive and innovative together, leveraging and synergizing our respective strengths and capitalizing on our innovation potential and partnerships with our surrounding ecosystems to jointly promote a greener, healthier, more equitable and sustainable Europe. To reach these goals, ENLIGHT RISE will 1- establish a longer term business model for joint R&I actions, 2- identify strong research synergies with high innovation potential 3- enable the sharing of and optimize capacity or digital research infrastructures, while benchmarking and optimizing the societal impact of digital innovation/artificial intelligence, 4- reinforce cooperation and co-creation with the business sector and civil-society, 5- mainstream and incentivize open science practices and public engagement, 6- improve the attractiveness of researchers’ careers, and 7- develop and formalize methods towards an impact-driven R&I agenda.
- H2020-EU.5. - SCIENCE WITH AND FOR SOCIETY Main Programme
Convocatoria de propuestas
Consulte otros proyectos de esta convocatoriaRégimen de financiación
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33000 Bordeaux