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A Holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental Disasters

Descripción del proyecto

Sistemas de gestión avanzada de incendios forestales

Los incendios forestales no se planean y suelen propagarse sin control. La gestión de estos incendios constituye un reto ecológico y para la sociedad. El proyecto TREEADS, financiado con fondos europeos, se centrará en los bosques que presentan riesgo de incendio para desarrollar nuevos productos e integrarlos en una plataforma de gestión de incendios holística, cuyo objetivo es optimizar y reutilizar los recursos sociotecnológicos existentes. El equipo del proyecto propone el uso de una herramienta de evaluación del riesgo en tiempo real, que puede recibir múltiples insumos de clasificación y trabajos con un indicador neutro e innovador del factor de riesgo basado en redes. En TREEADS se emplearán materiales de construcción activados alcalinamente, que integran cenizas de madera de incendios, para crear un modelo de comunidades adaptadas a incendios. Además, se utilizarán técnicas avanzadas de inteligencia artificial para la prevención y la preparación.


Considering the socio-ecological transition of Europe 2030, and towards a more resilient and informed community, focusing on the forests that are near wildfire risk, TREEADS aims to build upon state-of-the-art high TRL products and unite them in a holistic Fire Management platform that optimize and reuse per phase the available Socio-technological Resources in all three main phases of Wildfires. For the prevention and preparedness TREEADS propose the use of a real-time risk evaluation tool that can receive multiple classification inputs and work with a new proposed neural network-powered Risk factor indicator. To create a model of Fire adapted communities (FAC) in parallel to insurance incentives, TREEADS will use alkali activated construction materials (AAM) integrating post-wildfires wood ashes (PWA) for fire-resilient buildings and infrastructure. TREEADS also uses a variety of technological solutions such as the Copernicus infrastructure, and a swarm of small drones customized for accurate forest supervision. In the area of Detection TREEADS propose a variety of toolsets that will accommodate most needs. Stemming from Virtual reality for the training, wearables for the protective equipment of the emergency responders. to UAV (drones), UAG and airships for improving capacity in temporal and spatial analysis as well as to increase the inspected area coverage. Last, TREEADS will build a new land and field-based restoration initiative that will use all modern techniques such as agroforestry, drones for seed spread, Internet of things sensors that will be able to adapt the seeding process based on the ground needs and on the same time with the help of AI to determine post-fire risks factors. TREEADS solution will be demonstrated and validated under real operating conditions. Demonstration will involve Eight complex pilot implementations executed in seven EU countries and in Taiwan.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 576 974,20
7092 Tiller

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 1 674 049,20

Participantes (52)