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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Theatre and Gentrification in the European City

Description du projet

Quand la transformation urbaine prend le devant de la scène

Le développement de la ville européenne moderne a été étroitement lié à l’essor des institutions théâtrales, qu’elles soient publiques ou indépendantes. Mais quel est le rôle du théâtre dans la ville du XXIe siècle? Le projet THEAGENT, financé par le CER, affirme que le théâtre est essentiel à la compréhension des politiques culturelles de la transformation urbaine contemporaine. Par ailleurs, la notion de ville mondiale et les nouvelles économies productives lui étant associées sont essentielles pour comprendre le théâtre contemporain. THEAGENT approfondira ces affirmations en se concentrant sur le théâtre dans son ensemble, y compris la fréquentation du théâtre en tant que pratique de formation de sujets urbains, le support esthétique en tant qu’espace de représentation de l’urbain, et le théâtre lui-même en tant qu’institution. En combinant des recherches ethnographiques et archivistiques, le projet explorera la manière dont le théâtre a façonné (et a été façonné par) l’embourgeoisement dans cinq métropoles européennes.


Since the European Middle Ages, the fates of theatre and the city have been intertwined. Mystery plays thrived amidst the urban guilds of medieval Paris, city comedies heralded merchant capitalism in seventeenth-century London, and Ottoman shadow puppetry shaped coffeehouse culture in nineteenth-century Istanbul. The emergence of the modern European city in particular was linked to the development of both state-sponsored and independent theatre institutions; theatre and performance practices drew on the human proximity that city living made possible, and shaped the visions of cultural heterogeneity that emerged from urban cohabitation. Today, unprecedented dynamics of migration, globalization, and rapid gentrification are fundamentally changing theatre’s importance in the urban environment. Theatre and performance practices are all but absent from urban studies, however, and theatre scholarship often views the urban question through a limited analytic lens.
Combining multi-sited ethnographic and archival research, this interdisciplinary research project will focus on the key cities of London, Paris, Berlin, Warsaw and Istanbul to analyze the complicated and often ambivalent relationship between theatre practices and urban transformation in twenty-first-century Europe. Following key thematic threads like migration and memory, Theatre and Gentrification’s original case studies will illustrate the diversity of property relations and housing tenure across the European continent, as well as the complex roles that theatre and performance practices play in producing urban subjectivities and structuring the cultural politics of gentrification. Groundbreaking in its use of theatre as its vantage point, this ambitious project will change the way we think about the contradictions of culture in the twenty-first century city, from its role in securing claims to global urban stature, to its position within imaginaries of authentic local resistance.

Régime de financement


Institution d’accueil

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 227 419,51
1010 Wien

Voir sur la carte

Ostösterreich Wien Wien
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 227 419,51

Bénéficiaires (3)