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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Beyond Influence: The Connected Histories of Ethiopic and Syriac Christianity

Description du projet

Une approche «connectée» pour étudier le christianisme éthiopien et syriaque

Les pays modernes d’Éthiopie et d’Érythrée possèdent une tradition chrétienne qui remonte aux premiers siècles de notre ère. Tout au long de sa longue histoire, le christianisme éthiopien a eu divers points de contact avec le christianisme syriaque, originaire du Moyen-Orient. Le projet BeInf, financé par l’UE, étudie les liens historiques entre le christianisme éthiopien et le christianisme syriaque à partir de cinq points de vue différents. La méthodologie employée est unique, car elle repose sur un mélange de disciplines apparemment incongru. Le projet renonce également à l’influence comme principal outil d’analyse et adopte plutôt une approche relationnelle de l’«histoire connectée» afin d’acquérir une compréhension plus profonde et plus nuancée du christianisme éthiopien et de ses relations avec le christianisme syriaque.


The innovative BeInf project interrogates the connected histories of Ethiopic and Syriac Christianity in their various complexities and nuances. It accomplishes this task through a series of five discrete, but complementary case studies addressing: 1. Aramaic loanwords in Ethiopic; 2. the so-called Nagran Episode, in which the sixth-century Aksumite ruler Kaleb intervened on behalf of Syriac Christians who were being persecuted in the Arabian peninsula; 3. the Ethiopic Abba Gärima Gospels, including especially their illumination programs; 4. the hagiography of the Nine Saints, who are alleged to have brought about a “second christianisation” of Ethiopia in the late fifth and early sixth centuries; 5. the Ethiopic reception of Syriac literature. BeInf’s innovation is multifaceted. It adopts a multi-disciplinary approach that brings together methods that are traditionally categorized as distinct and disconnected, including especially art history, linguistics, manuscript studies, philology, textual studies, and history. In addition, it rejects area studies and unites fields that have traditionally been isolated and siloed off in problematic ways. Finally, it proposes to move beyond influence as an analytical category for analysing connections, contacts, exchanges, and the actors and cultural brokers responsible for them and instead adopts a methodological and theoretical stance inspired by “connected history”, especially in the sense of histoire croisée. With these innovations, BeInf is positioned to make significant, long-lasting contributions to the field of Ethiopic Studies, both in content and in concept, while also serving as a paradigm-shifting model for other projects in the humanities addressing areas of inquiry that have traditionally been dominated by ill-framed questions of influence and that are primed to move beyond influence to explore connected histories with all their nuance, complexity, and texture through a multi-disciplinary approach.

Institution d’accueil

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 968 500,00
20148 Hamburg

Voir sur la carte

Hamburg Hamburg Hamburg
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 1 968 500,00

Bénéficiaires (1)