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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Solidarities and migrants' routes across Europe at large

Descripción del proyecto

Explicación del vínculo entre las rutas migratorias y la solidaridad

La migración sigue siendo un tema polémico, y los movimientos de migrantes indocumentados que cruzan las fronteras hacia la Unión Europea (UE) ocupan un lugar destacado en la agenda política. Sin embargo, muchas de las políticas para afrontar estas llegadas y evitar la circulación de migrantes y refugiados dentro de la UE han resultado ineficaces. El equipo del proyecto SOLROUTES, financiado con fondos europeos, explicará las características y la evolución de la migración ilegal en relación con las redes de solidaridad mediante el empleo de la etnografía, métodos colaborativos y la investigación digital. En el proyecto se analizará el vínculo entre las rutas migratorias y las redes de solidaridad mediante la observación de cincuenta nodos fundamentales en las rutas migratorias que atraviesan Turquía, Túnez, Marruecos y las regiones ultraperiféricas de la UE (la Guayana Francesa y Mayotte). El equipo de SOLROUTES creará una teoría innovadora en los estudios sobre la migración y elaborará artículos específicos que ofrezcan nuevas narrativas para los responsables políticos, las comunidades locales y otras partes interesadas.


Unauthorized migration has always been a contentious issue in the EU. Yet, many of the policies adopted thus far have proved ineffective in containing arrivals and blocking circulations of migrants and refugees within the EU. Furthermore, unauthorized migration has continued to challenge EU borders even during the pandemic.
SOLROUTES’ core research question is: how can the turbulence, persistence, and intensity of unauthorized movements and of the production of migrants’ routes across “Europe at Large” – originating from the externalization of EU borders to non-EU countries – be understood?
The project addresses this challenge from an innovative angle, through an ethnographic exploration of the nexus between unauthorized movements and the networks of solidarity with migrants in transit, which involve actors and practices that have been addressed just recently in migration studies. This will be achieved by exploring and observing 50 crucial nodes in migration routes within Europe, in selected countries on its fringes (Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco) and in the Outermost Regions of the EU (French Guiana, Mayotte).
SOLROUTES will aim to: a) explore the functioning, articulations, and representations of local and trans-local networks which share shelter, knowledge and resources with migrants in transit; b) assess how routes are continuously reshaped by the encounter between unauthorized movements and solidarity networks; c) develop a large-scale multi-sited ethnographic approach based on live and collaborative methods and digital research; d) develop an innovative theory in migrations studies on the nexus between solidarity with migrants in transit and unauthorized movements, contributing to structure the emerging perspective of solidarities studies; e) generate Special Features – a web series, an art exhibit, a graphic novel – linked to the research, offering new narratives for policy makers, local communities, and other relevant audiences in the spirit of public sociology.

Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 2 498 653,75
16126 Genova

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Nord-Ovest Liguria Genova
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 2 498 653,75

Beneficiarios (1)