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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Better Contrails Mitigation

Description du projet

Rendre les trainées blanches des avions moins nocives pour l’environnement

Les traînées de condensation, ces traînées blanches et duveteuses laissées par les avions qui nous survolent, causent beaucoup de dégâts dans le ciel. Dans les faits, elles représentent la plus grande part de l’impact climatique imputable au trafic aérien. Le projet BeCoM, financé par l’UE, vise à mieux comprendre l’impact des traînées de condensation sur le climat. Cela contribuera à atténuer l’impact climatique des émissions, autres que du CO2, du transport aérien. Le projet permettra de prédire le lieu et le moment précis de la formation des traînées de condensation. Il utilisera des approches sur plusieurs niveaux, combinant notamment observations et mesures, modélisation et prédictions basées sur des méthodes numériques avancées et sur l’IA. Des recommandations de stratégies de lutte contre l’impact climatique du transport aérien seront également élaborées.


Aviation contributes to about 5% of the total anthropogenic climate change when including non-CO2 effects, e.g. contrail formation and the impact of NOx emissions on ozone and methane. Among various non-CO2 effects, the contrail-cirrus radiative forcing is the largest (~2/3) with large uncertainties. The most critical affecting factor is the huge weather-induced variability of the radiative impact of individual contrails. This is the quantity, BeCoM will predict better since the knowledge of the individual radiative forcing is the basis for avoidance of just those contrails that contribute most to the overall climate impact. Once this is standard, it will be possible to formulate adequate mitigation measures and develop policy-driven implementation schemes.
BeCoM will address the uncertainties related to the forecasting of persistent contrails and their weather-dependent individual radiative effects. BeCoM focuses on: 1) obtaining a larger and higher resolution database of relative humidity and ice supersaturation at cruise levels for assimilation into numerical weather prediction (NWP) models; 2) providing more adequate representation of ice clouds in their supersaturated environment in the NWP models; and 3) validation of the predictions to determine and reduce the remaining uncertainties of contrail forecasts. To facilitate the assimilation and validation process, BeCoM will develop a novel hybrid artificial intelligence algorithm. Based on the contrail prediction, BeCoM will develop a policy framework for effective contrail avoidance through a trajectory optimization approach. BeCoM will enable a better understanding of contrail’s climate impact and formulate recommendations on how to implement strategies to enable air traffic management to reduce aviation's climate impact. The BeCoM consortium builds on its knowledge and expertise covering a wide spectrum from atmospheric science and climate research to aviation operations research and policy development.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 830 621,00
2628 CN Delft

Voir sur la carte

West-Nederland Zuid-Holland Delft en Westland
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 830 621,25

Participants (7)

Partenaires (1)