Description du projet
Créer une boucle fermée pour le traitement des eaux usées avec le CO2 recyclé
L’objectif de durabilité et de réduction des émissions de l’UE, dans ses différents secteurs et industries, nécessite une utilisation efficiente des ressources et un recyclage efficace des déchets. Le traitement des déchets et des eaux usées émet actuellement de grandes quantités de CO2. Le projet WaterProof, financé par l’UE, abordera ce problème en développant une boucle fermée de l’eau propre exploitant le CO2 et réduisant les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Pour ce faire, il utilisera le CO2 issu de l’incinération des déchets et du traitement des eaux usées dans un processus électrochimique afin de produire de l’acide formique pour les biens de consommation et des oxydants utiles durant le processus de décontamination.
The WaterProof project proposes a resource efficient solution convert CO2 emissions from waste(water) processing into green consumer products. At the heart of the WaterProof concept is an electrochemical process that converts CO2, originating from waste incineration and wastewater processing, to produce formic acid. This reaction is paired with the generation of high-energy oxidants, which are used to remove persistent contaminants from wastewater thereby contributing to a clean water cycle with zero-waste. The energy to run the electrochemical process is provided by waste incineration facility. The formic acid is a feedstock for the production of Acidic Deep Eutectic Solvents (ADES). These ADES are used to extract precious metals from water treatment sludge and incinerator ash. Additionally, the formic acid is used for fish leather tanning to sustainably produce fish leather and will be tested in consumer cleaning products. The WaterProof technology results in a GHG reduction based on CO2 utilization, replacement of fossil feedstock and by industrial electrification. In the WaterProof project, a TRL 6 plant is constructed, including innovative downstream processing. The conversion of CO2 from wastewater treatment and the CO2 captured at a waste incinerator is demonstrated in two consecutive campaigns. To maximize impact of the WaterProof technology, life-cycle assessments and a full business case analysis are initiated in the early stage of the project to provide targets for technology development. A marketing and deployment strategy is developed to ensure social acceptance of the WaterProof technology. Besides the reduction of GHG emissions, WaterProof will have societal impact by, creating awareness trough interaction with policy makers and civil society and the creation of new jobs in innovative fields. By targeting an industry as essential as waste(water) treatment, WaterProof aims to create a concept that can impact society and climate on a big scale.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinateur
1014 BV Amsterdam
L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.