Schaffung eines geschlossenen Kreislaufs für die Abwasseraufbereitung mit recyceltem CO2
Das Ziel der EU, Nachhaltigkeit und Emissionsreduzierungen in allen Sektoren und Industriezweigen zu erreichen, erfordert sowohl Ressourceneffizienz als auch effizientes Abfallrecycling. Gegenwärtig werden bei der Abfall- und Abwasseraufbereitung große Mengen an CO2 freigesetzt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt WaterProof wird dieses Problem durch die Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Wasserkreislaufs lösen, bei dem CO2 genutzt und die Treibhausgasemissionen reduziert werden. Zu diesem Zweck wird das CO2 aus der Abfallverbrennung und der Abwasserbehandlung in einem elektrochemischen Prozess zur Herstellung von Ameisensäure für Konsumgüter und von Oxidationsmitteln eingesetzt, die bei Dekontaminationsverfahren von Nutzen sind.
The WaterProof project proposes a resource efficient solution convert CO2 emissions from waste(water) processing into green consumer products. At the heart of the WaterProof concept is an electrochemical process that converts CO2, originating from waste incineration and wastewater processing, to produce formic acid. This reaction is paired with the generation of high-energy oxidants, which are used to remove persistent contaminants from wastewater thereby contributing to a clean water cycle with zero-waste. The energy to run the electrochemical process is provided by waste incineration facility. The formic acid is a feedstock for the production of Acidic Deep Eutectic Solvents (ADES). These ADES are used to extract precious metals from water treatment sludge and incinerator ash. Additionally, the formic acid is used for fish leather tanning to sustainably produce fish leather and will be tested in consumer cleaning products. The WaterProof technology results in a GHG reduction based on CO2 utilization, replacement of fossil feedstock and by industrial electrification. In the WaterProof project, a TRL 6 plant is constructed, including innovative downstream processing. The conversion of CO2 from wastewater treatment and the CO2 captured at a waste incinerator is demonstrated in two consecutive campaigns. To maximize impact of the WaterProof technology, life-cycle assessments and a full business case analysis are initiated in the early stage of the project to provide targets for technology development. A marketing and deployment strategy is developed to ensure social acceptance of the WaterProof technology. Besides the reduction of GHG emissions, WaterProof will have societal impact by, creating awareness trough interaction with policy makers and civil society and the creation of new jobs in innovative fields. By targeting an industry as essential as waste(water) treatment, WaterProof aims to create a concept that can impact society and climate on a big scale.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
Aufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
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HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsKoordinator
1014 BV Amsterdam
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