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Twinning for excellence in non-invasive brain stimulation in Western Balkans

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TWINNIBS (Twinning for excellence in non-invasive brain stimulation in Western Balkans)

Período documentado: 2022-09-01 hasta 2023-11-30

TWINNIBS aims to strengthen the Institute for Medical Research - IMR’s research and innovation (R&I) as well as research management and administration capacities and to develop it into a prospective leading partner in international consortia that can attract strategic investments and R&I funding. TWINNIBS will promote interest in neuroscience research in Serbia and the region, and help to advance it, focusing on the multidisciplinary field of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS). NIBS is a set of techniques for transcranial (non-invasive) modulation of the activity in the specific brain areas and the large-scale brain networks to which they contribute. This is an innovative approach to neuroscience research and, ultimately, the clinical treatment of a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric conditions. TWNINIBS will be a coordination and support tool for IMR to bring NIBS research in Serbia to a new level by partnering with leading European R&I institutions from Denmark, Italy, Germany, and Austria. TWNNIBS project includes a comprehensive set of cooperation and coordination activities to strengthen the scientific and technological capacities of IMR, including short-term mobility, virtual and in-person short-term expert visits, workshops, and bootcamps. A series of collaborative small-scale projects with the personalization of NIBS as an overarching theme are foreseen in the project. TWINNIBS set to strengthen the IMR research management and administration capacities and foster organizational changes through the establishment of The Centre for NIBS as well as the R&I Project Management Unit will be established within the IMR. The Gender Equality and Open Science approach will be integral aspect of all TWINNBS activities.
The project activities are organized into eight work packages (WPs). WP1 is dedicated to management and coordination activities. WP2 is dedicated to improving excellence by strengthening scientific and technological capacities, increasing mobility, knowledge transfer and exchange of best practices as well as the establishment of a Centre for NIBS in the Lead Partner’s institution. WP3 focuses on building up skills, competencies, research experience and networking opportunities for ESRs. WP4 is an R&I component of the project, which tackles scientific questions through a series of collaborative research activities aiming towards increasing the precision and personalization of NIBS. WP5 will capitalize on joint efforts to raise IMR’s research profile and gender balance in NIBS research. WP6 is dedicated to building up research management and administration skills necessary for the attraction and support of international R&I funding, which will be done through establishing a new IMR R&I Project Management Unit, training and job-shadowing activities with skilled researchers, research managers and IPR experts. A special emphasis will be put on the development of the research & innovation management skills needed for the successful acquisition and implementation of the projects as well as scientific excellence. Finally, WP7 is dedicated to the dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities, and WP8 deals with ethical aspects and requirements of the project implementation.
The TWINNIBS project is set to make a significant impact towards outcomes specified in the Topic of the call as well as a long-term impact on R&I in Europe, with a special focus on the Western Balkans region. In terms of project results that will contribute to the outcomes specified in the topic:

- TWINNIBS will enable the IMR, as the leading biomedical research institute in Serbia, to make organizational changes by transforming one of its most successful research groups into a NIBS dedicated Centre oriented at European standards

- TWINNIBS will enable the IMR to establish a modern R&I Management Unit to support its further growth, scientific profiling, and international reputation.

- The impact of the structural changes will be amplified by introducing new methods and equipment and through engaging in skills and knowledge transfer activities to increase the science and innovation capacities of IMR and collaborating partners

- TWINNIBS will strengthen ties between some of Europe’s frontrunners in the field of NIBS and neuroscience in general and bring them together to jointly tackle some of the key challenges in the field.

- Finally, TWINNIBS will position IMR as a prospective leading partner in international R&I consortia that is able to attract strategic investments and further R&I funding. In terms of wider impact, in the longer term, the project will benefit not only the R&I sector in Serbia but will also bring benefits to the wider EU R&I space.

In addition to these TWINNIBS specified concrete actions to bring substantial scientific, economic/technological, societal, and organizational impact.
Project team