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DIGItal Tools to help AgroForestry meet climate, biodiversity and farming sustainability goals: linking field and cloud

Descripción del proyecto

Desarrollo de la agrosilvicultura con herramientas digitales

Combinar árboles con cultivos y ganado en la misma tierra podría mitigar el cambio climático. La agrosilvicultura es una práctica agrícola resiliente que puede ayudar a fijar carbono, preservar la biodiversidad y contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria al diversificar la producción agrícola. El proyecto DIGITAF, financiado con fondos europeos, fomentará los sistemas agrosilvícolas. En concreto, su equipo desarrollará de forma conjunta herramientas digitales adaptadas a las necesidades y los problemas de grupos objetivo de la agrosilvicultura como, por ejemplo, responsables políticos, profesionales y agentes implicados en la cadena de valor de este sector. En el proyecto se pondrán en marcha seis laboratorios vivientes en diferentes países a fin de garantizar un enfoque multiagente centrado en el usuario final. DIGITAF, que reúne a veinticinco socios de veinte países, abarcará toda la cadena de valor de la agrosilvicultura y contribuirá a la sostenibilidad de las explotaciones, la mitigación del cambio climático, la preservación de la biodiversidad y la conservación del suelo.


Agroforestery (AF) has already proven its potential for farm sustainability, climate change mitigation & adaptation, biodiversity preservation, and soil conservation. However, AF performances are context-dependent, and many barriers hinder its adoption, such as lack of tools for decision-making, assessing economic, environmental, social benefits, and monitoring of policies and their impact on AF. DigitAF will boost AF implementation in the EU and beyond thanks to the co-development of digital tools tailored to the needs and concerns of DigitAF target groups. To engage actors whose decisions impact AF implementation,DigitAF will:
(1) Support policy-actors at various scales to design more efficient policies supporting AF adoption & carbon farming;
(2) Provide tools helping practitioners (farmers…) deal with the complexity of AF systems. DigitAF will allow them to optimize the design and management of agroforestry systems at field and farm scale;
(3) Enhance capacities of actors to assess, quantify and market the economic, environmental and social performance and benefits of AF.
The end-user centred multi-actor approach of DigitAF will be made possible by implementing 6 living labs (LL) in Italy, Germany, Netherland, United Kingdom, Finland and the Czech Republic. Open-source tools will be co-developed thanks to the existing or novel practical knowledge, scientific evidence and models. They will be tested with the end-users from LL and improved thanks to their feedback. Larger dissemination to target groups will be ensured through DigitAF partners gathering members and networks across EU.
DigitAF consortium brings together 25 partners from 20 countries from the EU, Associated Countries and beyond, composed of RTOs (9), universities (5), SMEs (6), European and international organisations (4), NGO and cooperative (1). DigitAF consortium and the LL cover all AF value chain actors, thus efficiently supporting AF implementation in the EU.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 432 465,00
75007 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 432 465,00

Participantes (27)

Socios (4)