Description du projet
Création d’un centre d’excellence pour les solutions énergétiques durables à Chypre
Pour atténuer le changement climatique, l’UE a adopté une approche proactive: elle a fixé des objectifs ambitieux de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et encouragé les sources d’énergie renouvelables par le biais de nombreuses initiatives et politiques. La réalisation de ces objectifs nécessite l’implication et la coopération de la communauté scientifique, des industries et des gouvernements. Le projet PHAETHON, financé par l’UE, soutient cet effort en créant de nouvelles installations de recherche et d’innovation de pointe à l’université de Chypre. Le projet entend revitaliser l’actuel centre de recherche FOSS pour l’énergie durable, en le transformant en un centre d’excellence de classe mondiale pour des solutions énergétiques intelligentes, efficaces et durables, qui accueillera des activités de recherche et d’enseignement de grande envergure et favorisera les réseaux de collaboration internationale.
The aim of the Teaming project is to upgrade the highly successful FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus (UCY) to an autonomous and self-sustaining Centre of Excellence (CoE). The PHAETHON CoE for Intelligent, Efficient and Sustainable Energy Solutions aims to have a direct impact on the energy research and innovation (R&I) cycle in Cyprus, the surrounding region and globally. The research focus of the proposed CoE is a key area of significant growth potential and a high priority of the European Union (EU) (EU Climate Action, European Green Deal and REPowerEU initiatives) and Cyprus (green and digital energy transition are completely aligned with the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Cyprus).
The transformation will be pursued through the partnership of UCY-FOSS with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), University of Groningen (UG) and Cyprus Seeds (CS). PHAETHON CoE will target timely, multi-faceted research themes in the field of energy that encompass technological, socio-economic, multi-level governance and environmental sustainability aspects, thus significantly increasing its research capacity, reputation and ability to attract funding.
Institutional autonomy and effective management reforms, as well as innovation aspects that will lead to the successful exploitation of the research outcomes, will spearhead this transformation towards a sustainable centre at the heart of the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa (EMMENA) region energy ecosystem.
The track record of UCY-FOSS in attracting significant EU, national and industrial funding, as well as the complementary funding already committed by the Government of Cyprus, the private sector (EuroAsia Interconnector PLC) and the University of Cyprus, provide evidence for the sustainability of PHAETHON CoE in the longer term, ensuring long-lasting impacts on Europe’s economy and society at large.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinateur
1678 Nicosia