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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Perceptive Enhanced Realities of Colored collEctions through AI and Virtual Experiences

Description du projet

Une nouvelle technologie pour préserver les couleurs du patrimoine culturel

Les textiles peuvent commencer à se décolorer au bout de dix ans seulement. Seules de petites traces de la polychromie originale des statues grecques et romaines anciennes sont encore visibles de nos jours. Les tentatives de reconstitution de leur aspect d’origine sont une priorité pour la préservation des collections du patrimoine culturel coloré. Dans ce contexte, le projet PERCEIVE, financé par l’UE, s’efforce de mettre au point une méthode fiable pour étudier, reconstruire, restituer, exposer et se réapproprier ces collections. Les résultats de PERCEIVE feront progresser les capacités numériques des scientifiques et des institutions culturelles grâce à une architecture et à une boîte à outils d’IA et de rendu d’images basées sur des services, ainsi qu’à une nouvelle théorie de conception pour les expériences de réalité étendue et hybrides sur site et à distance, basée sur les concepts de soins, de participation et d’authenticité. En outre, il développera une boîte à outils de conception pour les éducateurs et les industries créatives.


PERCEIVE aims at improving the perception, preservation, curation, exhibition, understanding and access of colored Cultural Heritage collections. It aims at developing a reliable way to Study, Reconstruct, Render, Remap, Exhibit and Re-appropriate them. These collections are, in fact, a priority because of their high fragility that requires shared methods to preserve and exhibit them (i.e. textiles start fading in only 10 years, while only small traces of the original polychromy on classical statues is left today), because of the complexity of their study (especially with the attempts of reconstructing their original appearance), and because of the importance of their communication to future generations and of the shaping of European common identity around the concepts of “care” and diversity/variety” (i.e. the different shades of skin colors that were common in the Greek and Roman times). PERCEIVE starts from the twofold needs of better preserving and communicating colored artworks, improving and speeding up scientific process results, that could better be used to maximize visitors' experience with the physical and the digital colored collections. Following the coronavirus emergency, in fact, museums have proved to lack of a digital policy that could guarantee a sustainable remote access for visitors. PERCEIVE aims at advancing the digital capability of scientists and cultural institutions, through a service based AI architecture and tool-kit; and by developing a new design theory for on site and remote VR/AR/MR experiences, based on “Care” “Accessibility” and “Authenticity” concepts, with and for the creative industries. Our expected outcomes include services and tools including: a PERCEIVE Tool Kit connected to an on line easy-to-use Service, PERCEIVE Experience Prototypes for the visitors, PERCEIVE Design Tool Kit for designers and educators.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 607 390,95
00185 Roma

Voir sur la carte

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 607 390,95

Participants (7)

Partenaires (4)