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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary


Descripción del proyecto

Acercar a los ciudadanos del litoral a la ciencia

La región mediterránea se está calentando un 20 % más rápido que el resto del mundo. Y ya está gravemente afectada por la degradación medioambiental. Más de doscientos millones de personas viven en la costa norte y muchas de ellas están sufriendo las consecuencias del calentamiento global al depender de los recursos marinos y del turismo. El equipo del proyecto Blue-connect, financiado con fondos europeos, reunirá a socios de las cinco principales ciudades del litoral de la parte mediterránea de Croacia para mejorar las relaciones humanas con el mar y la ciencia. Al acercar la investigación y los investigadores a las personas, el equipo de Blue-connect impulsará el reconocimiento público de la educación en ciencia e investigación, y generará confianza y comprensión sobre la ciencia y su repercusión en la economía y la sociedad azul de la región.


Blue-connect gathers partners from 5 main coastal cities of the Mediterranean part of Croatia, whose research is greatly characterized by natural, biomedical, environmental, social, and economic aspects of the sea. Mediterranean is severely affected by climate change and environmental degradation, and at the same time dependant on marine resources and tourism, and in need for enhancement of human relationships with the sea and science. Climate and environmental risks are recognized threats on EU level and globally, and as such are addressed through several initiatives, among which are Green Deal and SDGs. The main objective of Blue-connect is to reconnect science with society by bringing research and researchers closer to the public, boosting public recognition of science and research education, and building trust and understanding of science and its impact on the blue society in the region. Composed of 5 WPs that reflect the overall objectives, project will implement activities that promote research and science in an understandable and comprehensible way and encourage engagement of the general public and youth with science to jointly act on relevant problems facing the Mediterranean. Awareness campaign will increase comprehension and understanding of science, and attract youth and the general public to the main project events. Researchers at Schools will implement interactive experiments and workshops to boost pupil’s curiosity and interest in research and science careers. Activities during the NIGHT will allow the public and youth to participate in experiments that will help them understand research and science. To ensure the activities are achieving desired impact, methodology and tools for evaluating the impact of project activities and the perception of the general public and youth will be developed and implemented. Successful implementation of the project will ultimately increase trust in research and science by the general public and youth in Croatia.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 88 875,00
21000 Split

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Hrvatska Jadranska Hrvatska Splitsko-dalmatinska županija
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
Sin datos

Participantes (8)