Project description
European cities: from liveable to lovable
Some cities are so easy to love. A city’s lovability is based on its liveability and quality of life. It’s all about the experience. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) project LIVE-LOVE will investigate the phenomenon of loveability and the capacity of creative cultural spaces to facilitate it by comparing six museum-gallery-exhibition spaces in Austria (Vienna) and Spain (Barcelona). It will study loveability as a design principle for spaces and how creative cultural spaces can facilitate the inner wellbeing of residents and visitors. The project will also consider the impacts of rapid urbanisation and the pandemic-driven urban exodus from European cities. The findings will demonstrate ways to enrich living experiences in major European cities.
My project investigates the phenomenon of loveability and the capacity of creative cultural spaces to facilitate it by comparing six museum-gallery-exhibition spaces in Vienna, Austria and Barcelona, Spain. Timely in addressing paradoxical impacts of rapid urbanisation and pandemic-driven urban exodus in European cities, my research aims to advance (i) loveability (which goes beyond material dimensions by prioritising minds and souls) as a design principle for spaces to support high quality living experiences and (ii) creative cultural spaces in supporting loveability to facilitate positive inner wellbeing of people living in cities. Through targeted research on aesthetics, the goal is to contribute ways of enriching living experiences in major European cities for transformational impact on science, society, and economy by producing three research outputs: Monograph, Matrix, and Handbook. Six research activities (thinking, knowing, feeling, doing, making, and sharing) bind architecture, neuroaesthetics, and human geography in my interdisciplinary 24-month project. I, Dr Mizan Rambhoros, will use existing specialisations in architectural design and theory and gain new skills in psychological/empirical aesthetics under placement supervision (Asst. Prof. Matthew Pelowski, University of Vienna, Austria) and geocreativity/creative landscapes under secondment supervision (Adj. Prof. Rosa Cerarols Ramirez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain).
- HORIZON.1.2 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Main Programme
Funding Scheme
HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-PF-EF - HORIZON TMA MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - European FellowshipsCoordinator
1010 Wien