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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Rereading European Cultural Heritage in Latin American Women Writers’ Travel Literature of the early 20th century: contrasting testimonies to build inclusive historical discourses

Description du projet

Les discours historiques sur le patrimoine culturel européen sous la loupe

La préservation de la mémoire historique entraîne toujours une lecture particulière de l’histoire. Il est important de déconstruire les discours hégémoniques et d’inclure des récits différents, abordés sous l’angle de l’altérité. Avec le soutien du programme Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie, le projet REWIND étudiera la construction de discours autour du patrimoine culturel européen, en se concentrant sur la littérature de voyage écrite par des femmes latino-américaines au début du XXe siècle. Ainsi, les femmes non-européennes, qui ont pris part aux mouvements féministes et au métissage, deviennent des agents historiques et des médiatrices culturelles qui contrecarrent un discours eurocentrique et patriarcal. En adoptant une méthodologie interdisciplinaire reposant sur des outils géospatiaux et l’analyse linguistique de corpus, combinée à des approches décoloniales de genre, REWIND vise à protéger et à transférer un héritage culturel qui reflète les souvenirs et les subjectivités d’une société diversifiée.


Cultural heritage is a sociocultural discursive construction, embedded in power relationships, which tends towards the selective preservation of historical memory and the support of a particular reading of History. However, History is multivocal and to achieve egalitarian societies where identity diversity is respected, it is necessary to deconstruct the hegemonic historical discourse including different narratives from the perspective of otherness. REWIND proposes to study how historical discourses around European Cultural Heritage (ECH) have been constructed using travel literature written by Latin American women authors from the early 20th century. As such, non-European women, committed to feminist movements and who claimed miscegenation, become historical agents and cultural mediators that counteract a Eurocentric and patriarchal historical discourse. Thus, it is not about adding women’s testimony, but about rereading historical narratives about heritage in order to protect and transfer a cultural legacy that reflects the memories and subjectivities of a diverse society.

REWIND is based on Foucault’s theories of “discursive formations”, since it analyses the elements of the ECH that authors highlight in their travels and descriptions from both the physical and the emotional point of view. Firstly, using Digital Humanities approaches based on Geographic Information Systems, the project will identify and locate ECH items. Secondly, REWIND will apply sentiment analysis techniques to recognise the impressions that ECH provokes in women travellers. And, finally, the information offered by travel guides and official documentation of cultural institutions will be contrasted with the data of travel literature applying semantic technologies and the decolonial gender theory. So, through this innovative methodology, REWIND will give voice to a silenced testimony, recovering part of the collective memory and offering new ways of interacting with the past in the present.

Champ scientifique

CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 156 778,56
1099 085 Lisboa

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Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
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