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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Forum for Emerging Enabling Technologies in Support to the Digital and Green Transitions through Value Sensitive Innovations

Descripción del proyecto

Plantar y cultivar ideas verdes

Como consecuencia del cambio climático, las naciones e instituciones de todo el mundo buscan nuevas ideas y soluciones para contribuir a la transición ecológica y combatir el cambio climático. Sin embargo, muchas ideas y tecnologías innovadoras y prometedoras pueden quedar fácilmente enterradas por falta de visibilidad, financiación o apoyo suficientes. El proyecto FORGING, financiado con fondos europeos, aportará una solución a dicho problema mediante el desarrollo de una novedosa metodología destinada a ayudar al crecimiento y la comunicación de nuevas ideas y tecnologías desde su inicio. Para ello, con la ayuda de expertos, el proyecto permitirá identificar las tecnologías en sus primeras etapas, evaluar su necesidad y conveniencia y, finalmente, ayudar a su despliegue.


Technological breakthroughs empowered by enabling technologies hold a transformation potential that can be funneled to address industrial and societal grand challenges, like greening and digitalisation. To exploit this transformative potential, the innovation journey that leads new emerging technologies to their market-uptake shall embed since its early value-sensitive considerations, such as environmental and societal implications.
With FORGING we propose a new methodology based on a value-sensitive innovation journey that breaks linear innovation trajectories to stimulate new technological visions and pathways attentive to the environment and society, and human-centred in alignment with Industry 5.0. technological frameworks. The value-sensitive innovation journey will be deployed in three phases: the technological uncovering with tech experts from academia and industry to detect early signals of emerging technologies; the societal confluence exploring the desirability and societal impact, and implications of novel technologies; the full-fledged co-creation opening to the broader community to develop concrete use cases for tech uptake. We will develop 6 Technological Pathways to transfer ideas and help industry navigate through issues related to the absorption and deployment of the use cases.
FORGING methodology will be implemented by catalysing stakeholders’ community with 600 active members, from academia to industry, to CSS, to policy makers and to the broader society. We aim to organise 24 co-creation sessions, consultations with 20 policy bodies, 6 scenario workshops and Tech. and Innovation campaigns to drive tech. adoption.
The FORGING Playbook and Toolbox will gather a set of facilitation guidance and materials for exploration, reflection, co-creation and evaluation of emerging technologies. These assets, jointly with the FORGING community, will sustain FORGING as a new flagship initiative on emerging enabling technologies.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 660 125,00
4715-330 Braga

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Continente Norte Cávado
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 660 125,00

Participantes (5)