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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Aerospace Districts: Acceleration of the Strategic Transfer of Regional Advancements

Description du projet

Renforcer l’excellence régionale dans le secteur aérospatial

Le secteur aérospatial joue un rôle crucial dans l’économie européenne, en accordant une importance particulière aux recherches et aux technologies innovantes. Le projet AD-ASTRA, financé par l’UE, a pour ambition de mettre en place un écosystème d’innovation interrégional connecté entre cinq régions de quatre pays européens qui favorisent activement l’innovation dans le secteur aérospatial. Ces régions sont l’Occitanie (France), la Hollande-Méridionale (Pays-Bas), Madrid (Espagne), les Pouilles (Italie) et l’Émilie-Romagne (Italie). La mise en place d’un réseau européen de collaboration solide et durable en mesure d’exploiter les compétences complémentaires et l’expérience universitaire et industrielle contribuera à créer une masse critique dans un secteur d’une telle importance stratégique pour l’UE.


AD-ASTRA (Aerospace Districts: Acceleration of the Strategic Transfer of Regional Advancements) is a project about the positive interconnection among innovation ecosystems, with a focus on aerospace sectors.
The proposal aims at the development of a connected, competitive, interregional innovation ecosystem between 5 EU regions (Toulouse, South Holland, Madrid, Apulia, Emilia-Romagna) with: a shared interest in fostering aerospace sectors, enhancing the cross-contamination to and from other innovative sectors (e.g. automotive, biomedical, agri-food, big data); different innovation readiness levels; aerospace districts with different levels of maturity and consolidation.
“Diversity generates wealth”: the collaboration of these markedly diverse regions, furthermore represented by partners from different spheres of the quadruple-helix, will be a growth opportunity. The establishment of a solid and long-lasting collaborative EU network, able to exploit complementary skills, experiences, territorial and industrial vocations, will contribute to create a “critical mass” in EU strategic sectors such as innovation and aerospace, where global competition leads to a confrontation with actors of increasing size and requires innovative models and approaches.
This ambitious goal will be achieved through an iterative process: starting from the collection, analysis and systematization of the experiences (competencies, technologies, networks) of the partner regions with reference to their aerospace districts; analyzing the future evolutions of the ecosystems, in response to technological, economic, political, and social megatrends; correcting or validating hypotheses and evolution models with the support of stakeholder groups; defining an action plan for the development of each of the regional aerospace ecosystems, valuing experiences and good practices stemming from other regions and strengthening spin-in and spin-out processes to and from other industrial sector and territories.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 135 000,00
40129 Bologna Bo

Voir sur la carte

Nord-Est Emilia-Romagna Bologna
Type d’activité
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (4)