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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Closed-loop control of fungal materials

Description du projet

Des matériaux vivants manufacturés à base de champignons dotés de propriétés contrôlables

Les champignons comptent environ 100 000 espèces décrites à ce jour. Le total réel est estimé à plusieurs millions. Ce sont d’étonnantes usines qui produisent de nombreux métabolites bioactifs d’intérêt thérapeutique. Le projet LoopOfFun, financé par l’UE, a reconnu leur potentiel dans un autre domaine innovant: en tant qu’éléments de matériaux vivants artificiels (ELM), avec un contrôle en boucle ouverte et fermée des propriétés mécaniques et structurelles. Le projet identifiera les champignons doués de capacités supérieures pour la synthèse de matériaux et les utilisera pour une programmation basée sur la biologie synthétique. La programmation sera réalisée par le biais d’une nouvelle plateforme robotisée automatique qui développera les champignons en ELM, sur la base de cycles itératifs conception-construction-test-apprentissage. Les résultats permettront ensuite de soutenir la conception rationnelle de ces matériaux.


In an interdisciplinary approach, LoopOfFun will develop a conceptual and technological framework for the efficient and effective development of fungal-based living materials with open- and closed-loop control of mechanical and structural properties. This framework is based on four pillars: (i) the development of genetically encoded sensors and actuators for reading and writing mechanical and structural material properties as well as the assembly of these modules to open- and closed-loop control circuits, (ii) the identification of filamentous fungi with naturally evolved superior properties for material synthesis as well as accessing them for synthetic biology-based programming, (iii) the development of the 4D Explorer, an automated, robotized platform for the efficient and effective development of engineered living materials based on iterative design-build-test-learn cycles, and (iv) a holistic approach for designing the final products based on the novel opportunities of LoopOfFun advances. Following this framework, LoopOfFun will produce materials featuring open- and closed-loop control of mechanical and structural properties. The intrinsic control features make the materials robust towards environmental fluctuations while aligning material properties with usage characteristics. The development and applicability of the novel materials will be shown by producing two different demonstrator materials at cm-m scale, one as structural material and the other one for pollutant degradation. The framework developed here as well as its underlying routines can generically be applied for the design and optimization of ELMs made of other organisms and matrices. LoopOfFun has an effective strategy for IP protection as well as for dissemination and interaction with commercialization partners. LoopOfFun will comprehensively address its stakeholders and establish a communication strategy designed at promoting ELMs as a sustainable contribution to the EU technology field.

Régime de financement



Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 866 563,00
66123 Saarbruecken

Voir sur la carte

Saarland Saarland Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 866 563,00

Participants (5)