Description du projet
Le milieu universitaire et l’industrie unissent leurs forces pour former les experts de la théorie du codage de demain
Financé par le programme Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie, le projet ENCODE vise à favoriser la création d’un réseau de doctorants qui se concentrera sur les principes fondamentaux de la théorie du codage et ses applications dans les domaines de la sécurité, de la confidentialité et de l’efficacité des communications et de l’informatique distribuées. Il mettra à profit l’expertise de sept partenaires universitaires et de cinq entreprises à la fine pointe de la cybersécurité pour encadrer huit doctorants dans la résolution de problèmes liés à la théorie du codage et à ses applications. Les doctorants se familiariseront avec les défis techniques auxquels l’industrie est confrontée, grâce à des stages en entreprise. Le programme de formation du projet permettra aux doctorants de se doter des outils scientifiques et d’acquérir les compétences transférables nécessaires à l’atteinte de leurs objectifs professionnels et scientifiques.
Coding theory is a cornerstone of the mathematics of communications. It an interdisciplinary field, lying at the intersection of mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering. It is a fundamental tool of every system of digital communications, with applications to error-correction, distributed storage, wireless communications, secure multi-party computation and post-quantum cryptography. The ENCODE doctoral network will focus on fundamentals and applications of coding theory to security, privacy and efficiency of distributed communication & computation. The DN will leverage the complementary expertise of 7 academic and 5 non-academic partners, to guide its 8 DCs to address and solve deep problems in coding theory and its applications. The DN will offer a superior supervisory experience for each DC, who will each benefit from the expertise of multiple advisors in academia and industry. The non-academic partners include 5 companies working at the cutting edge of cybersecurity, who will offer invaluable contributions to the training programme via hosting of DCs and input in advanced training sessions. DCs will be exposed to current technical challenges faced by industry and will have the opportunity to apply mathematics to tackle real-world problems during industrial secondments. ENCODE will create a unique training programme, designed to equip its DCs with the scientific tools and transferable skills required for them to become future leaders in the field, both in academia and in industry. The ENCODE programme will implement all EC Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training, adhere to best practice as outlined in the EU Charter & Code, the MSCA Green Charter, and ensure gender equality in all aspects of its activities, to create a lasting international, intersectoral, interdisciplinary doctoral network, dedicated to excellence in science, ethical standards & communications that will extend far beyond the DN.
Champ scientifique
- HORIZON.1.2 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Main Programme
Régime de financement
HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-DN - HORIZON TMA MSCA Doctoral NetworksCoordinateur
4 Dublin