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Identification and development of novel colorectal cancer biomarkers via state-of-the-art liquid biopsy approaches

Project description

Liquid biopsy strategies in the development of novel colorectal cancer biomarkers

Funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, the ColoMARK project aims to develop future interdisciplinary leadership and background for research excellence by training the next generation of scientists. The network consortium includes teams with expertise in omics, epidemiology, microbiomes, bioinformatics and assay development, who will provide top-level personalised training to 10 young researchers. The main scientific scope of ColoMARK will be to utilise novel liquid biopsy strategies for colorectal cancer biomarker development. This will be achieved through 10 ground-breaking research projects focused on prevention, prognosis and disease monitoring. The impact of the project will be amplified by appropriate results dissemination and public engagement training, in order to reach different target audiences including patients and the general population.


The ColoMARK network integrates 17 teams with multidisciplinary expertise (omics, epidemiology, microbiome, circulating tumour DNA, bioinformatics, assay development, circulating RNAs, circulating tumour cells, tumour profiling, clinics) that will take advantage of the assets conferred by novel liquid biopsy strategies to provide complementary and comprehensive know-how on the features required to successfully fulfil the objectives of ColoMARK: 1) to foster a next generation of scientists that can address the challenges of colorectal cancer biomarker development. The network is enforced by pre-existing collaborations from COST Action TransColonCan, and enhanced by the participation of non-academic entities, who will play an essential role in the cross-sectoral and transversal training of the researchers. It is our purpose to provide a personalised training programme that builds on the knowledge offered by the participants to produce future cross-sectoral leadership and a sustainable initiative of excellent research that enhances the competitiveness of European researchers; 2) to achieve maximum impact by appropriate dissemination, patient and public engagement, and results exploitation, activities that will be embedded in the training of the researchers. Given the promising perspectives of liquid biopsy approaches for the future of cancer prevention and management, ColoMARK will constitute an opportunity to reach outstanding scientific, technological and societal impact in a field highly relevant to Horizon Europe´s priorities in cancer, therefore enhancing European competitiveness in R&I; 3) to advance in colorectal cancer understanding by producing outstanding, synergistic research. As the main scientific aim of ColoMARK, ten tailored ground-breaking research projects, only possible in the context of ColoMARK, will be undertaken for the identification and validation of better risk, prognostic and monitoring colorectal cancer biomarkers.


Net EU contribution
€ 503 942,40
15706 Santiago De Compostela

See on map

Noroeste Galicia A Coruña
Activity type
Research Organisations
Total cost
No data

Participants (8)

Partners (7)