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Hybrid Intelligence to monitor, promote and analyse transformations in good democracy practices

Descripción del proyecto

Combinación de inteligencia artificial y humana para hacer frente a la desinformación en línea

Las noticias falsas, la desinformación y el discurso del odio en línea son omnipresentes y exacerban las tensiones sociales. Ante la creciente preocupación por el hecho de que esta retórica nociva está incitando a la violencia e impulsando el extremismo, es más importante que nunca contar con una estrategia global para contrarrestar este fenómeno digital. En este contexto, en el proyecto HYBRIDS de las Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie se trabaja para proporcionar a los investigadores los conocimientos y las herramientas que necesitan para hacer frente a la desinformación. En concreto, se integrará el conocimiento estructurado que aportan las ciencias sociales y humanas en las herramientas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural y los algoritmos de aprendizaje profundo. Mediante la creación de nuevos sistemas de inteligencia híbridos, en HYBRIDS se combinará la inteligencia artificial y la humana para superar las deficiencias de los actuales métodos de inteligencia artificial.


False rumors, fake news or hate speech against vulnerable minorities through social media are becoming one of the main threats against democracies. A global strategy against disinformation is crucial as open democratic societies rely on free citizens with the ability to access verifiable information so that they can build their own opinions on different political issues. The main scientific objective of HYBRIDS is to provide researchers with the knowledge necessary to design strategies and tools to response to disinformation on the basis of a deep analysis of public discourse. There have been interesting advances in the automatic detection of disinformation by making use of natural language processing and new artificial intelligence techniques in the specific field of machine and deep learning.
However, this is a very complex task that requires a high degree of natural language understanding, inference and reasoning. To improve the strategies to deal with disinformation, HYBRIDS will integrate the structured knowledge provided by social and human sciences into natural language processing tools and deep learning algorithms, so as to develop new hybrid intelligence systems. The concept of Hybrid Intelligence consists of combining machine and human intelligence to overcome the shortcomings of existing artificial intelligence methods.
Even though hybrid systems are likely to become more and more decisive in the immediate future, there are very few experts who can design and develop such systems. This is mainly due to the multidisciplinary nature of the hybrid strategy and the difficulty of finding researchers with full training in traditionally separate disciplines such as computer engineering, social sciences or linguistics. We believe it is time to launch a DN with the necessary requirements to train researchers in hybrid methodologies for their application in social studies with an impact on the sustainability of good democratic practices in Europe.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 503 942,40
15782 Santiago De Compostela

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Noroeste Galicia A Coruña
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
Sin datos

Participantes (7)

Socios (6)