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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE


Description du projet

Améliorer l’intégration de l’IA dans les pratiques cliniques

Le processus de diagnostic des maladies complexes implique de nombreux tests, notamment via l’imagerie médicale. L’IA et l’apprentissage automatique peuvent contribuer à accélérer le diagnostic, mais nécessitent des solutions fiables conçues spécialement pour les soins de santé et bien raccordées à la pratique clinique. Le projet BioMedAI TWINNING, financé par l’UE, mettra en place un programme de formation dédié au traitement des images et des données cliniques sensibles. Les partenaires organiseront des ateliers et des formations virtuelles à l’intention des chercheurs en IA en vue de développer des méthodes explicables basées sur l’IA. Le projet devrait faciliter l’intégration de la technologie de l’IA dans la pratique clinique, offrant ainsi des avantages évidents pour le bien-être des patients.


Increasing demand for sophisticated clinical diagnostics makes current diagnostic capacities insufficient. A potential solution lies in semi-automatic systems speeding up the diagnosis process. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning seem to be very promising approaches to the automation of diagnostic systems. However, most academic AI systems are opaque black boxes that cannot be easily understood, tested and certified. Also, academic AI solutions are often hard to reproduce, and their evaluation is insufficiently connected with clinical practice. This motivates MU and MMCI to team with two advanced partners (AP), MUG and TUB, and establish a BioMedAI infrastructure allowing close cooperation of computer science and clinical experts to develop explainable trustworthy AI solutions. Both AP possess rich experience with AI solutions for healthcare. Namely, processing large amounts of sensitive image and clinical data, interactive machine learning methods with a human-in-the-loop, and validating AI methods for healthcare. The main body of the BioMedAI project concentrates on training computer science researchers at MU and clinical experts at MMCI in the development of explainable AI methods based on high-quality medical data and validated in a clinical setting. Concretely, we propose organizing thematic workshops, virtual training with hands-on experience in developing explainable AI tools, and two summer schools. One will be oriented towards basic research in explainable AI methods for image and clinical data processing, and the other one towards the FAIR management of sensitive medical data. Furthermore, the BioMedAI project will also increase the visibility and presence of the explainable AI research in healthcare at MU and MMCI by training a PR manager responsible for presenting the research to various stakeholders, and by training the existing project management staff at MU and MMCI in writing grant applications for projects in EU and elsewhere.


Masarykova univerzita
Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 690 700,00
Zerotinovo namesti 9
601 77 Brno

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Česko Jihovýchod Jihomoravský kraj
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 690 700,00

Participants (3)