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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Boosting ReseArch CapabilitiEs of Romanian Cloud MicrophYsics Centre

Descripción del proyecto

La plataforma de investigación de la microfísica de las nubes atmosféricas de Rumanía alcanza nuevas cotas

Los aerosoles atmosféricos —partículas líquidas y sólidas suspendidas en la atmósfera— desempeñan un papel fundamental en la determinación del clima de la Tierra. Ya sean naturales o inducidos por el hombre, influyen en la formación, las propiedades y los ciclos de vida de las nubes. Caracterizar estas interacciones es importante para evaluar y predecir el impacto de las actividades humanas en el cambio climático. El Instituto Nacional de Investigación Aeroespacial «Elie Carafoli» (INCAS) de Bucarest es el único titular de una plataforma de investigación de nubes atmosféricas en Europa del Este, lo que lo sitúa en una posición única para abordar las interacciones entre los aerosoles y las nubes. El equipo del proyecto BRACE-MY, financiado con fondos europeos, impulsará la capacidad y el reconocimiento del INCAS a través de una acción de hermanamiento, que proporcionará conocimientos y equipos para obtener, procesar e interpretar datos que permitan mejorar las proyecciones climáticas futuras.


As the only airborne cloud research platform holder in Eastern Europe, INCAS is in the perfect position to be a well-known R&D organisation that obtain urgently needed data sets, process and interpret them in order to improve future climate projections. However, to date, a lack of presenting these capabilities has left INCAS too little known in the cloud research community and therefore, underutilized research partner with excellent and very useful facilities. Through the BRACE-MY project, INCAS team will obtain the required skills and an additional equipment needed to complement their research capabilities with state-of-the art aerosol sampling techniques. The foreseen research, conducted in conjunction with strong twinning activities will transfer the skills required for INCAS to perform aerosol-cloud interaction research and elevate its reputation to that of a leader in the cloud and aerosol community. This will be achieved by using a “learning by doing” approach to transfer the best practices for conducting research, disseminating results and educating young scientists from the world-class project partners to INCAS. In particular, this will include: the development of an ice nucleating particle counter based on a state-of-the-art aerosol sampling system provided by a project partner, conducting research flights, publishing and presenting research results within internationally recognized platforms, organizing and lecturing at summer schools designed for upcoming researcher in the field and gaining the managerial skills required to become a recognized partner for aerosol and cloud microphysics research. The project partners have been selected to ensure that all of the objectives are guided by leaders in the field of aerosol and cloud research and acting as a research provider. Therefore, BRACE-MY will give INCAS, a research institute in a “widening country”, the opportunity to elevate itself to an internationally recognized cloud and aerosol research institute.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 824 375,00
061126 Bucuresti

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Macroregiunea Trei Bucureşti-Ilfov Bucureşti
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 824 375,00

Participantes (3)