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CORDIS - EU research results

Verifying Emissions of Climate Forcers

Project description

Supporting greenhouse gas inventories using atmospheric observations

An essential component of the Paris Agreement is taking stock of global emissions through national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGIs). Although the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has set procedures for reporting NGHGIs, the emission estimates are uncertain due to possible errors and omissions. It has, therefore, been recommended that NGHGIs be independently verified using atmospheric observations. However, methods to do this are complex and not yet at the point where they can be used for reliable estimation of national emissions. The EU-funded EYE-CLIMA project aims to develop these methodologies further, making them more viable. Using satellite remote sensing and ground-based observations, it will develop customised flux data products to assist NGHGI compilers in determining emissions with greater accuracy.


The Global Stocktake, and the success of the Paris Agreement, hinges on the information nations provide about their emissions through National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGHGIs). Current methodologies laid-out by the IPCC for reporting emissions are generally built around the use of statistical data and emission factors. Although they are designed to be transparent, they can have significant uncertainties owing to incomplete or inaccurate information. The 2019 refinement of the IPCC Guidelines highlights the need for independent verification of NGHGIs especially using atmospheric observations. However, the technical complexity and the hitherto limited resolving power of atmospheric constraints makes it challenging for NGHGI compilers to adopt this type of verification. EYE-CLIMA will address this need for independent verification by developing observation-based methods (using both satellite remote sensing and ground-based observations) to a level of readiness where they can be used to determine emissions at national and sub-national scales and for verification of NGHGIs. The methodology involves using process-based and data-driven models to simulate GHG fluxes, first without atmospheric observations, then these fluxes are then combined with models of atmospheric transport and chemistry to assimilate atmospheric observations, which are used to correct the first flux estimates. Through engagement with stakeholders, i.e. NGHGI compilers, EYE-CLIMA, will develop flux data products for CO2 (LULUCF sector), CH4, N2O, and emissions data of F-gases (SF6, HFC-23, HFC-143a, HFC-125, HFC-134a, HFC-32) and black carbon (BC), which will be tailored to their needs. The fluxes will be attributed to natural versus anthropogenic sources, and for the latter, to source sectors that can be compared with groups of IPCC sectors in NGHGIs. The methodology for the atmospheric inversions and how to use these for verification of NGHGIs will be described in best practice guidelines.


Net EU contribution
€ 763 933,75
2027 Kjeller

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Norge Oslo og Viken Viken
Activity type
Research Organisations
Total cost
€ 763 933,75

Participants (14)

Partners (2)