Description du projet
Quand le pacte vert prend un «virage bleu»
Les mers, les océans et l’environnement marin de l’Europe sont une source de richesse naturelle et économique pour le continent. C’est la raison pour laquelle les politiques marines de l’UE sont importantes dans la mise en œuvre des objectifs énoncés dans l’ambitieux pacte vert pour l’Europe, qui cherche à stimuler l’utilisation efficace des ressources. Le projet PERMAGOV, financé par l’UE, travaillera en étroite collaboration avec les industries maritimes, les ONG, les chercheurs et les décideurs politiques pour évaluer la manière dont les obstacles institutionnels, les collaborations formelles et informelles et les outils de gouvernance en ligne favorisent et/ou entravent la capacité des acteurs à mettre en œuvre les politiques marines de l’UE dans les domaines de l’énergie et du transport marins, ainsi que de la pollution marine par les déchets. Il contribuera à mettre au point et à améliorer les outils numériques afin d’aplanir les obstacles à la mise en œuvre des politiques marines.
PERMAGOV aims to contribute to the realization of the EU Green Deal objectives by improving implementation and performance of EU marine policies. PERMAGOV’s project objectives are: 1) co-developing and applying a Marine Governance Performance Assessment Framework to assess how institutional barriers, formal and informal collaborations and e-governance tools enable and constrain the capability of actors to implement EU marine policies within the areas of Marine Energy, Maritime Transport, Marine Life and Marine Litter; and 2) co-producing Multi-Layered Collaborative Marine e-Governance Strategies which enhance the capability of end-users to contribute to the implementation of EU marine policies related to the four marine issue areas to achieve the EU Green Deal goals. PERMAGOV will contribute to the improved performance of marine polices and a successful implementation of the EU Green Deal objectives, by an assessment of 9 cases (De-carbonizing shipping, Motorways of the Sea (Maritime Shipping), Seabed integrity, Sustainable fisheries in MPAs (Marine Life), Floating Wind, Energy island, Offshore Wind (Marine Energy), Marine litter (Baltic and Mediterranean Seas)(Marine Plastics)), focusing on the enabling and constraining conditions of institutional barriers and the possibilities for multi-layered collaborative and e-governance. Characteristics for PERMAGOV is co-production and co-creation from the start to the end of the project and beyond. Together with end-users and stakeholders from maritime industries, NGOs, researchers and policymakers the Performance Assessment Framework will be developed and applied, in co-production the cases will be assessed, innovative Governance Strategies will be developed and digital tools will be improved in order to overcome the barriers hampering the performance of marine policies and the successful implementation of the objectives of the European Green Deal.
Champ scientifique
- social sciencessociologygovernance
- social sciencespolitical sciencesgovernment systemse-governance
- social sciencessocial geographytransport
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuelsrenewable energyhydroelectricitymarine energy
- social scienceseconomics and businesseconomicssustainable economy
Régime de financement
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinateur
6708 PB Wageningen