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Knowledge Based Framework for Extended Textile Circulation​

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Refined dissemination and communication strategy

D7.2 is a comprehensive dissemination and communication plan & strategy that willguide the communication and dissemination activities with in the project. Refined dissemination and communication strategy updated in following months M6 + M18 + M36 + M48. First version of the deliverable is the plan while updated versions contains updated plan and also report from earlier periods. The deliverable is output of tasks T7.2, T7.3

Ethics Plan

Ethics plan will contain details of the forthcoming actions and responsibilities to ensure that the ethics requirements are satisfied in the project. The EthicsPlan will include a schedule to obtain and deliver all documents related to Ethics requirements identified in Part A. This deliverable is outcome of T8.2.

Redesigned value chains

This deliverable will contain knowledge of redesigned value chains of textile ecosystem effected by circular economy. Redesinging of new value chains is based on analysis of existing textile flows, actors, value chains and infrastructure in I-US (industrial, commercial and consumer textiles), ownership of materials (EPR, shared responsibility), end-of-life, second-hand users, material reuse/remanufacturing, qualitative data, and value sharing. This deliverable is output of T1.1 and will provide input for planning of the real scale demonstrator (T5.1).

Project data management plan

This deliverable is Project data management plan (PDMP). It will describe methodology and standards to be followed with in project. It will also describe what data sets are exploitable or made accessible for verification and re-use purposes. Project will have Data Manager, whose responsibility is PDMP. First version of the PDMP at M6. PDMP will be updated by each periodic report. The deliverable is outcome of T8.3.

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