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smart and multiFunctional 3D printable prO-Regenerative biologiCal matrix modulating mEchanotRansduction as advancEd theraPy to treAt skIn chRonic wounds

Descripción del proyecto

Apósito multifuncional innovador para la regeneración cutánea

Hoy día, el tratamiento de heridas crónicas es deficiente y no ofrece una regeneración cutánea fiable. En el proyecto FORCE REPAIR, financiado con fondos europeos, se desarrollará un apósito multifuncional que proporcione un entorno favorable para la regeneración y estabilidad mecánica durante el tratamiento de heridas crónicas. Su equipo empleará técnicas vanguardistas para crear matrices biológicas personalizadas impresas en tres dimensiones. La tinta bioadhesiva antibacteriana, combinada con polipéptidos que promueven la inervación y la vascularización, así como el biomaterial Wharton Gel Complex, estimularán las proteínas de la matriz extracelular. El apósito tratado con luz ultra violeta contraerá la herida para ayudar a cerrarla. El apósito impreso en tres dimensiones se probará «in vitro» con exudado humano y se validará «in vivo» en modelos animales de heridas crónicas o infección bacteriana. Los comentarios de las autoridades de registro sanitario y las partes interesadas guiará el desarrollo del producto hasta su aplicación en entornos clínicos.


Due to population lifestyle changes, i.e. obesity, diabetes and aging population, chronic wounds (CW) which fail to follow the typical healing process is a major medical socioeconomic challenge. Current wound management is clearly insufficient and advanced therapies failed in keeping their promise of reliable skin regeneration. The aim of FORCE REPAIR is to develop a smart and multifunctional wound dressing providing pro-regenerative environment and mechanical stability to treat CW. Thus, FORCE REPAIR will combine state-of-the-art technologies in a biological scaffold tailored to patients needs: (1) Antibacterial and bioadhesive bioink with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory loaded nanocapsules, (2) Elastin like polypeptides promoting innervation and vascularization (3) Wharton Gel Complex preventing oxidative stress and boosting key extracellular matrix proteins. Also, the dressing activated by UV light will induce contractile force to help wound closure and activate skin regeneration. A customized 3D bioprinter with a user-friendly 3D trajectory software will help to strategically placed the biological compounds to timely address and mitigate the degenerative process occurring in CW, i.e. infection, inflammation, tension forces to promote skin regeneration. The 3D printed dressing will be tested in relevant in vitro model with a human exudate library and testing relevant key healing steps (i.e. re-epithelization, angiogenesis, cell proliferation). Selected candidates will be tested in vivo on pig CW models and mice with bacterial infection. To ensure translation to clinical practice and reach patients, regulatory framework, HTA and a business model will be defined for a viable exploitation strategy that will decrease economic burden of wound care management and improve patients QoL. Finally, to ensure market acceptance health professional will guide the development of FORCE REPAIR to offer a dressing that treat efficiently CW and can be used by medical staff.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 558 592,50
20014 San Sebastian

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Noreste País Vasco Gipuzkoa
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 868 750,00

Participantes (17)