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RI services to promote deep digitalization of Industrial Biotechnology - towards smart biomanufacturing

Description du projet

Surveillance en ligne et en temps réel des bioprocédés

La biotechnologie industrielle (BI) a le potentiel de créer de nouveaux marchés tout en protégeant l’environnement. C’est dans cette perspective que le projet BIOINDUSTRY 4.0 financé par l’UE, ouvrira la voie à sa transformation en une technologie de fabrication de premier plan. En favorisant le passage au numérique de la BI, le projet permettra à l’infrastructure européenne de recherche (IER) d’offrir de nouveaux services, qui contribueront à relever plusieurs défis, en se concentrant sur l’accélération des filières de développement des bioprocédés. BIOINDUSTRY 4.0 élaborera également des normes en matière de données et de métadonnées afin de générer des informations de grande qualité, interopérables et multiéchelles sur ces procédés. En développant des approches fondées sur les données et en exploitant l’IA pour mettre en place des systèmes d’aide à la décision et des jumeaux numériques innovants, le projet entend permettre un contrôle des bioprocédés en temps réel.


Industrial Biotechnology (IB) is a Key Enabling Technology for the circular bio-economy, industrial renewal and European manufacturing autonomy. Its development forms a vital part of EU’s strategy to become climate neutral in 2050. For IB to become a major manufacturing technology, it must widen its use of advanced digital technologies. These will improve R&D efficiency, reducing time-to-market and costs. Moreover, for manufacturing, advanced digital technologies will drive distributed, autonomous and highly adaptable production systems. To support digitalization of IB, BIOINDUSTRY 4.0 will create new services delivered by European research infrastructures (RI). These services will address several challenges, focusing on the acceleration of bio-process development pipelines. Drawing on the complementary skills of its consortium, BIOINDUSTRY 4.0 will develop data-driven approaches, exploiting AI to empower novel decision support systems and digital twins, the latter being to better design bio-processes and enable their real-time online control. To complete these services, BIOINDUSTRY 4.0 will also develop data and metadata standards to generate high quality, interoperable multi-scale bio-process data, the technical basis for trusted data networks and process analytical devices to provide real-time online monitoring of bio-processes. Once deployed, these RI services will provide Users with access to cutting-edge technologies that can be used singly or in an integrated way, covering whole R&D pipelines. Integrated services will be delivered by a distributed RI, conferring Europe with a unique R&D test-bed for bio-process development and a competitive advantage with respect to global competition. To succeed, BIOINDUSTRY 4.0 brings together 6 EU RIs, 1 global company, 2 innovative EU SMEs and several research teams around an ambitious 4-year workplan that will be implemented in consultation with IB stakeholders, using a co-design strategy to specify goals.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 266 485,00
75007 Paris

Voir sur la carte

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 266 485,00

Participants (20)

Partenaires (4)