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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

How migration decisions are made: diverse aspirations, trajectories, and policy effects

Description du projet

Un examen plus approfondi de la prise de décision des migrants

L’élaboration des politiques migratoires est un processus délicat et complexe. Pour qu’elle soit efficace, il est important que les décideurs comprennent les raisons qui poussent les individus à émigrer, ainsi que le choix du moyen et du lieu de cette migration. Le projet DYNAMIG, financé par l’UE, entend combler les lacunes critiques en matière de connaissances dans ce domaine. Il s’intéressera à l’Afrique en tant que future région d’origine la plus importante des migrations vers l’Europe. Le projet étudiera la relation entre le comportement décisionnel des migrants potentiels et effectifs et les politiques migratoires aux niveaux micro, méso et macro. Plus précisément, DYNAMIG étendra les conceptualisations existantes de la dynamique des décisions en matière de migration et les testera à l’aide de méthodes innovantes. Il développera également un outil mobile pour des expériences de choix en ligne afin d’étudier de manière causale la formation des aspirations dans différents contextes et à différents stades de la migration.


The EU and its Member States pursue a wide range of policies that address migration, including development cooperation, border management, and legal labour market access. To be effective, policies must be based on an accurate understanding of how individuals decide whether to migrate. DYNAMIG will fill critical gaps in scientific and policymakers’ knowledge about how the decision-making behaviour of potential and actual migrants interacts with policies given micro, meso, and macro factors, e.g. different socioeconomic status. We focus on Africa as the most important future region of origin for migrants to Europe. We pursue a multi-disciplinary approach along four dimensions: First, we extend existing conceptualisations of the dynamics of migration decisions along extended trajectories and test these through innovative methods, including digital diaries collected from migrants en route from Nigeria, Kenya, Senegal, and Morocco to Europe. Second, we develop a mobile-device-based tool for online choice experiments to causally study aspiration formation across different contexts and stages of migration with several tens of thousands of individuals in origin and transit countries. Third, we study how policies affect migration decision-making with methods that allow causal interpretation: choice experiments with respondents in different contexts; a randomised controlled trial of an entrepreneurship training intervention in Senegal; and a quasi-experimental analysis of the EUTF for Africa. Fourth, through interviews with high-level policymakers and textual analysis of policy documents, we analyse how the design of EU, Member State, and relevant African policies that address migration takes into account migrant decision-making. To maximise our impact on policymaking, we embed our research in an intentional process of joint knowledge creation with stakeholders in Europe and Africa, including the policymaking community, migrant and diaspora organisations, and civil society.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 986 337,50
Kiellinie 66
24105 Kiel

Voir sur la carte

Schleswig-Holstein Schleswig-Holstein Kiel, Kreisfreie Stadt
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 986 337,50

Participants (6)

Partenaires (1)