Description du projet
Traiter les maladies bucco-dentaires avant qu’il ne soit trop tard
Les soins bucco-dentaires sont essentiels pour la santé générale, la qualité de vie et le bien-être. Alors que l’Organisation mondiale de la santé a préconisé une stratégie globale de lutte contre les maladies bucco-dentaires par la prévention et les soins précoces, la plupart des Européens n’ont toujours pas accès à des traitements abordables et à des programmes de couverture de la santé bucco-dentaire. Dans ce contexte, le projet PRUDENT, financé par l’UE, concevra et déploiera un cadre complet, de pointe et adapté au contexte afin d’optimiser le financement des services de santé bucco-dentaire. À ce titre, PRUDENT utilisera différentes méthodes et collaborera avec diverses institutions (publiques, civiles, professionnelles et autres) pour étudier et définir les priorités, les incitations et les ressources financières nécessaires pour rendre durable la politique européenne en matière de dentisterie.
Oral diseases and conditions are the 3rd most expensive diseases to treat in the EU. They affect about half of the EU population. As highlighted in the 2021 WHO Oral Health Resolution, there are major challenges in the financing of oral health care: in deviation from the UN and WHO goal of Universal Health Coverage, many EU citizens do not have access to essential oral health care without financial hardship. This causes detrimental impacts for the individual citizen, while increasing costs and wasting resources on the macro level. Research-policy gaps and research-practice gaps keep triggering inertia and inaction instead of addressing the persistent, albeit largely preventable, burden of oral diseases. To this end, the PRUDENT (Prioritization, incentives and Resource use for sUstainable DENTistry) project aims to develop and implement an innovative and context-adaptive framework for optimized financing of oral care. PRUDENT brings together top investigators from prestigious universities, public authorities and policymakers, civil society and patient organizations, health insurers, and health professionals, to achieve a step change in collective problem solving. Given the comprehensiveness of the topic, PRUDENT uses a targeted approach that is entirely focused on four major root-causes underlying the current limitations of oral care financing. Using a mixed-methods research approach, PRUDENT will: (i) co-develop oral health system performance indicators and implement them in EU-wide monitoring framework; (ii) conduct real-world and lab experiments to identify improved oral care financing mechanisms; (iii) leverage regulatory learning, needs-adaptive resource planning and deliberative priority setting to enhance the improvement of oral care financing. The knowledge gained will be merged into the PRUDENT Financing Companion with policy briefs and decision aid tools for concretely actionable and context-adaptive improvement of oral care financing.
Champ scientifique
- HORIZON.2.1 - Health Main Programme
- HORIZON.2.1.6 - Health Care Systems
Régime de financement
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinateur
6525 GA Nijmegen