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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Next generation multiplatform Ocean observing technologies for research infrastructures

Descripción del proyecto

Tecnologías avanzadas para realizar observaciones oceánicas «in situ» a largo plazo

Los crecientes niveles de CO2 en el océano provocan una acidificación, lo cual tiene consecuencias ecológicas bien conocidas. Las observaciones «in situ» continuadas y a largo plazo son fundamentales para comprender y predecir el impacto del cambio climático en los ecosistemas oceánicos, aumentar la resiliencia, así como apoyar las políticas medioambientales y climáticas. El equipo del proyecto GEORGE, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará y demostrará un sistema pionero de observación biogeoquímica multiplataforma para caracterizar el sistema del carbono oceánico. Permitirá avanzar en el nivel de preparación tecnológica de sensores innovadores, lo cual posibilitará, por primera vez, la caracterización sistemática, autónoma e «in situ» del sistema de CO2 del agua de mar y de los flujos de CO2 en plataformas móviles y fijas. El proyecto impulsará la competitividad tecnológica mundial del océano europeo mediante la observación de infraestructuras de investigación (EMSO, ICOS, Euro-Argo).


The ocean is a major component of the global carbon cycle absorbing about a quarter of anthropogenic CO2 emissions every year, modulating the rate of accumulation of carbon in the atmosphere and hence global warming. Increased levels of CO2 in the ocean cause a decline in seawater pH, also known as ocean acidification, with now well-known potential ecological consequences. Sustained, long-term in situ observations are, therefore, crucial to better understand and predict the impact of climate change on ocean ecosystems, increase resilience and develop sound mitigation and adaptation strategies. Furthermore, long-term sustained in situ ocean observations are required to support environmental and climate policies, such as the European Green Deal, and related policies aiming to reach net zero carbon and achieve a sustainable blue economy. To meet this challenge, GEORGE will advance the global technological competitiveness of European ocean observing research infrastructures (EMSO, ICOS, Euro-Argo) through the development and demonstration of a state-of-the-art biogeochemical, multi-platform observing system for characterisation of the ocean carbon system. GEORGE will advance the technology readiness level of novel sensors enabling for the first time systematic autonomous, in situ seawater CO2 system characterisation, and CO2 fluxes on moving and fixed platforms. These sensors will be integrated on state-of-the-art platforms augmented with the latest in autonomous technology enabling new observing capability. Technologies, methods and SOPs for carbon observing will be harmonised across a framework for multi-platform, cross-ERIC ocean observing, from sensor to data repositories. GEORGE will build capacity in ERICs through the provision of training in the use of new technologies and SOPs on data handling and reporting to staff and member organisations. Technology will be co-developed between industry and ERICs ensuring direct route to market and potential for scalability.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 797 986,25
00560 Helsinki

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Manner-Suomi Helsinki-Uusimaa Helsinki-Uusimaa
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 797 986,25

Participantes (23)

Socios (4)