Description du projet
Ressusciter la route de la soie
Historiquement, le commerce le long de la route de la soie reliait l’Asie de l’Est au Moyen-Orient et à l’Europe. Ce commerce à vu le jour grâce à la production de la précieuse soie, qui a stimulé les échanges et a contribué au façonnement de l’histoire et de la culture. L’histoire et le développement actuel du secteur de la soie offrent à la route européenne de la soie une chance inouïe de renouer avec la prospérité. C’est dans cette optique que le projet ARACNE, financé par l’UE, ressuscitera la route de la soie et protégera le patrimoine culturel lié à l’héritage de l’art de la soie traditionnel européen. Il fera la promotion de nombreuses activités et études, en préservant et en restaurant les traditions et en partageant les compétences, tout en stimulant la création de nouvelles idées et technologies dans les villes européennes de la soie.
ARACNE project focuses on the cultural heritage of the European silk production and its preservation, protection and valorisation; it aims at revigorating traditional skills through the adaptive reuse of the common cultural and artistic legacy and at shaping a silk-linked European cultural identity. Literally and metaphorically a thread that has woven the European culture, silk greatly contributed to the development of the European economy and arts. The production and the past and present development of the silk sector can be again the common basis for a future European Silk Route intended as a cultural itinerary across Europe. To create a wide and well-connected network that, starting from the historical path followed by Marco Polo in his travels to East, even includes the routes of production and commercialization of silk in Europe in the following centuries, we aim to:
• Bring back silk production in vogue by reconstructing a resilient and innovative silk ecosystem that retraces the concerned European countries and promotes traditions, architecture, and both tangible and intangible heritages. The consolidation of an European Silk Route will encourage links and shared activities among European cities and regions, specifically among museums, study and research centres to strengthen the preservation and protection of their culture and promote innovations in production and trade;
• Contribute to improve skills and competitiveness of silk-related European Cultural and Creative Industries through the renewal, co-development and the implementation of human-centered and place-specific silk-based cultural products, processes and service innovations, leveraging on digital applications and cutting-edge technologies, to foster the transition to more sustainable business models, and promote economic and social growth, and strengthen the reputation of European countries abroad.
The project will also meet the Green Deal and New European Bauhaus macro-objectives.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinateur
00184 Roma