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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Lowering transport envIronmentAl Impact along the whole life cycle of the future tranSpOrt iNfrastructure

Description du projet

Inaugurer des infrastructures de transport propres

Alors que la société est confrontée aux défis du changement climatique, les infrastructures de transport (IT) se révèlent un point d’intérêt crucial pour les innovations, les technologies et les politiques d’avant-garde visant à atténuer les émissions qu’elles génèrent ainsi que celles provenant de leurs processus de fabrication et de maintenance. Le projet LIAISON, financé par l’UE, entend concevoir une nouvelle approche globale de la conception d’IT à faible impact, en établissant un cadre de gouvernance dynamique et multi-infrastructures qui promeut activement les principes de l’économie circulaire dans l’ensemble du domaine des IT. Cette approche inclut non seulement la réduction des émissions, mais également l’assurance d’une viabilité et d’une longévité durables. L’objectif global du projet consiste à favoriser une synergie harmonieuse entre les IT et la conscience environnementale et de contribuer à l’avancement des technologies vertes essentielles.


LIAISON provides knowledge and technical solutions to limit transport infrastructures (TI) emissions, both caused by transport infrastructure itself and to which transport infrastructure contributes. LIAISON covers the whole life cycle of TI to which extent TI design can influence and limit the overall emissions from construction, maintenance, operation and decommissioning of the infrastructure in a digital environment for next future TI.

LIAISON adopts a holistic approach to tackle this challenge, because the development of particular technical solutions is not sufficient to achieve low environmental impact TI if they are not part of a broader strategy. The only effective way to ensure the implementation of paradigm-shifting technical solutions in the TI sector is to implement a governance framework (as the Dynamic Multi-Infrastructure Governance Framework -DMIGF) that activates, articulates and monitors compliance with circular economy principles throughout the life of the infrastructure when developing and implementing these solutions. LIAISON will develop a collection of innovative technological solutions to reduce the environmental impact of the TI (materials consumption, emissions and footprint), minimize their LCC and optimize energy management (becoming prosumers), which will based on in the industrialization of the construction process, circular economy and digitalization of the operation, maintenance and decomissioning tasks. Specifically, the solutions to be developed are smart and sustainable beams, rigid road pavements and improved ballast; bioasphalts and smart pavement inspection system; intelligent tunnels control system and photovoltaic guardrails.

LIAISON developments will be demonstrated in different TI (roads and railways) and in different European countries (Spain, Poland, Slovenia and Italy).


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 045 125,00

Voir sur la carte

Noreste País Vasco Gipuzkoa
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 045 125,00

Participants (15)