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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Personalized CANcer Primary Prevention research through Citizen Participation and digitally enabled social innovation

Description du projet

Des outils personnalisés de prévention du cancer en Europe de l’Est

La prévention primaire du cancer est largement reconnue comme une responsabilité partagée qui implique les citoyens, les professionnels de la santé et les décideurs. Le projet 4P-CAN, financé par l’UE, se propose de mieux appréhender les facteurs complexes qui influencent le risque de cancer au niveau national, communautaire et individuel. S’appuyant sur une approche pluridisciplinaire, notamment sur le Code européen contre le cancer, la recherche sur la mise en œuvre, les sciences sociales et humaines (SSH), les sciences du comportement et les technologies innovantes, le projet entend développer des outils personnalisés de prévention primaire du cancer dans les pays d’Europe centrale et de l’Est par le biais de laboratoires vivants. Il s’est également fixé pour objectif de déployer des campagnes de communication adaptées sur la prévention du cancer. S’inscrivant dans le cadre plus large de la Mission Cancer de l’UE, le projet entend réduire les facteurs de risque, améliorer la prévention et lutter contre les inégalités.


With a strong belief that primary prevention of cancer represents a collective responsibility (citizens, professionals, decision-makers), during a 4 year period, 4P-CAN builds on an innovative vision to understand the complex system that surrounds the citizen, the person, and how it increases the risk for cancer on three major levels - macro (at the national level), meso/mezzo (at the community level) and micro (at the individual level). Following the European Code Against Cancer recommendations as a narrative reference and combining implementation research (including economic sciences), social sciences and humanities (SSH), together with behavioral sciences, and innovative technological approaches, 4P-CAN ultimately delivers new personalized tools for primary prevention of cancer in Central and Eastern European countries from the consortium. The co-created knowledge is then used to personalize the primary prevention interventions through Living-labs and implement personalized communication campaigns on cancer prevention.

The project will focus on some of the main modifiable risk factors for cancer occurrence: smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, excess body weight (overweight and obesity), HPV and HBV infections preventable through vaccination, as well as environmental pollution (including radon), and the understanding of the barriers in front of the policy implementation and individual adherence to healthy behaviors in countries from Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Ukraine), to improve as a consequence the primary prevention activities and reduce the inequalities.

Altogether, 17 organizations from 11 different countries are getting together to achieve these goals, i.e. Balkan countries (EU Member States and non-EU Member States), part of CEE: Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Montenegro; Republic of Moldova and Ukraine; and Western EU countries (Portugal, Italy, France, Ireland, Belgium).

This action is part of the Cancer Mission cluster of projects on ‘Prevention and early detection’.



Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 449 750,00
032266 Bucharest

Voir sur la carte

Macroregiunea Trei Bucureşti-Ilfov Bucureşti
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 449 750,00

Participants (17)