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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Performance study of innovative Corrosion and Mechanically resistant coated materials against molten salts for next-generation concentrated solar power plants and Thermal Energy Storage systems

Description du projet

Résoudre les problèmes du stockage de l’énergie solaire

La forte demande en sources d’énergie renouvelables a donné jour à la technologie prometteuse de l’énergie solaire à concentration (CSP). La CSP affiche une fiabilité et une efficacité plus élevées et permet de surmonter les diverses difficultés grâce à ses systèmes de stockage de l’énergie thermique capables de gérer l’intermittence de la lumière solaire. Le faible rendement de conversion de l’énergie solaire en énergie électrique actuel et l’utilisation de matériaux coûteux indispensables pour résister aux conditions d’exploitation (contact direct avec des sels fondus corrosifs à haute température), entravent la compétitivité de la CSP. Le projet CoMeTES, financé par le MSCA, entend remédier à ces limitations en développant des revêtements d’aluminure en suspension peu coûteux, résistants à la corrosion et aux contraintes mécaniques, qui permettront d’utiliser des mélanges de carbonate plus efficaces et à plus haute température et de réduire les coûts globaux des centrales CSP. Le projet est mené à l’INTA (Espagne) avec EDF (France) pour partenaire de détachement.


CoMeTES is intended to meet EU environmental concerns with the objective of spreading greener power generation systems by making concentrated solar power (CSP) technology economically viable and more secure. With a high global generating potential, CSP has emerged as a promising solution, effectively utilizing intermittent sunlight with the help of thermal energy storage systems. However, the current solar-to-electric conversion is too low due to the commonly used molten nitrates as heat transfer fluids, having limited operating temperature of 580 °C. An alternative would be to use new carbonate mixtures, able to operate at temperatures over 700 °C thereby increasing the thermodynamic efficiency. However, this would require the use of materials resistant to these conditions without increased costs. Therefore, this is CoMeTES challenge: developing low-cost and high-temperature (HT) corrosion resistant slurry aluminide coatings considering new deposition processes, and focusing on hitherto unreported mechanical and stress corrosion cracking aspects. The aim is to increase the TRL of the coating solution from 3 to 5.
The project will take place at INTA, a Spanish Public Research Organization, during 24 months with a 4-months Secondment in France at EDF, the main French electric utility company, which has shown profound interest in CoMeTES related to their upcoming CSP plants projects. The applicant is adept in various technical skills in materials science including HT oxidation, corrosion, mechanics and their synergetic effects which forms the core of CoMeTES. Combined with the coating expertise at INTA, it will enable an efficient two-way transfer of knowledge and to get significant research outcomes. CoMeTES will expand the candidate’s experience in coating development and molten salt corrosion as well as large-scale project management, which along with the development of his international professional network will help him to become a distinguished researcher.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 165 312,96
28850 Torrejon De Ardoz Madrid

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Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Partenaires (1)