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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Harnessing the electric potential of cable bacteria to generate electricity sustainably

Descripción del proyecto

Investigación del potencial de las bacterias del cable para la generación de electricidad

Las bacterias cable son organismos multicelulares filamentosos de un centímetro de longitud que se encuentran en sedimentos de agua dulce y marinos, conocidos por su capacidad para transferir electrones a grandes distancias. El equipo del proyecto Cable electricity O2, financiado por las acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, cultivará estas bacterias en electrodos, tratando de aprovechar su potencial para la generación de electricidad. El trabajo del proyecto consistirá en desarrollar un sistema bioelectroquímico que conmute entre la generación de energía y su almacenamiento. Se probará la capacidad de este sistema para alimentar biológicamente un microprocesador. Si tiene éxito, podría allanar el camino a la electrónica biodegradable. Los investigadores también estudiarán si las bacterias del cable pueden producir oxígeno en entornos anaeróbicos, un mecanismo que podría mejorar nuestra comprensión del transporte de oxígeno en interfaces óxico-anóxicas.


Cable bacteria are centimetre-long, filamentous, multicellular bacteria present ubiquitously in freshwater and marine sediments, and participate in long-distance electron transfer by coupling the oxidation of sulphide in anoxic sediment to the reduction of oxygen. Cable bacteria possess an internal electric grid, enabling them to transport electrons over centimeter-scale distances. This project proposes the cultivation of cable bacteria on electrodes to harness their potential to generate electricity. Further, the development of a switchable bioelectrochemical system altering between electrogenesis and electrotrophy is proposed. Such a device would enable biological power generation and energy storage in a single device, and will be tested to power a microprocessor biologically, enabling development of biodegradable electronics. These experiments would be performed in specialized bioelectrochemical systems by varying the applied potential from positive to negative to induce the switch. Electrochemical interactions of cable bacteria with electrodes will be monitored by amperometry, voltammetry, and impedance spectroscopy. The cables will be integrated into a power management system consisting of a microprocessor chip, a current and voltage-measuring circuitry and a microcontroller to power the microprocessor with electrons obtained from the sediment. Finally, the physiological possibility of dark oxygen generation by cable bacteria in anaerobic sediments will also be explored, that would enable the use of cables as intermediates to convert any aerobic microbe into an electrogen. This mechanism will potentially uncover an unknown mode of oxygen production and usher in a completely new understanding of oxygen transport through the oxic-anoxic interface. The project bridges the applied and fundamental by probing cable bacteria electrophysiology to develop robust applications that will enable sustainable power generation.

Palabras clave


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 214 934,40
8000 Aarhus C

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Danmark Midtjylland Østjylland
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
Sin datos