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SpIn-orbitronic QuAntum bits in Reconfigurable 2D-Oxides

Descripción del proyecto

Cúbits de espín-orbitrónicos: la base de la computación cuántica a gran escala

Los cúbits son las unidades de información de los ordenadores cuánticos. Están formados por sistemas con dos estados cuánticos distintos que se pueden manipular sin perder coherencia. Hacer realidad el enorme potencial de la computación cuántica exige aumentar el número de cúbits y, al mismo tiempo, mantener el control sobre sus propiedades, lo cual constituye todo un reto. El proyecto IQARO, financiado por el Consejo Europeo de Innovación, tiene por objeto desarrollar cúbits de espín-orbitrónicos, en los que el bloqueo del momento de espín de los electrones se utilizará para manipular los grados de libertad del espín. De este modo, se solventará la necesidad de fabricar un microimán en un chip o aplicar campos magnéticos de radiofrecuencia, lo que posibilitará el acoplamiento de espines mediante fotones, fonones o el acoplamiento capacitivo directo. Los cúbits se realizarán como puntos cuánticos simples y dobles basados en gases de electrones bidimensionales en interfaces de óxido.


"The quest for the realization of ""fault tolerant"" quantum computation is currently challenged by the extreme fragility of quantum effects with respect to noise and decoherence. Quantum control, quantum initialization, read-out and enhanced coherence remain the main challenges which need to be addressed in a scalable multi-qubit platform. In the last few years there were tremendous advancements in the field of spin-orbitronics where the spin-degrees of freedom are manipulated with electric fields through the spin-momentum locking of the electrons. In spite of its importance, this property of materials characterized by large and tunable spin-orbit coupling (SOC), such as two-dimentional (2D) oxide materials, is not fully exploited in quantum computation. Here, we propose spin-orbitronics qubits and their experimental realization in single and double quantum dots based on 2D electron gases (2DEGs) formed at SrTiO3-based oxide interfaces. Due to their large spin-orbit splitting and gate-tunability, oxide interfaces are characterized by an exceptional degree of spin-momentum locking, and at the same time by a unique combination of high-mobility and 2D-magnetism. The exploitation of largely tunable SOC and spin-polarization in 2D systems, in combination with tunabilty of the host materials, is very attractive for a novel quantum computation platform as it allows a coherent quantum control of individual electron spins using spin to charge interconvertion. The proposed platform has all the characteristics for the practical implementation of an innovative quantum computation approach which allows upscaling to a large qubit numbers and goes beyond the one-dimensional interconnect schemes with important fundamental and technological advantages based on spin-orbitronics."

Régimen de financiación



Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 624 585,00
00185 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 726 768,75

Participantes (9)