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Will leaf phenology keep pace with climate warming?

Descripción del proyecto

Observar la fenología de las hojas para comprender los controles medioambientales

La fenología de la hoja —el momento de desborre, despliegue de la hoja, maduración y senescencia— es fundamental para los modelos del ciclo del carbono. Sin embargo, los factores ambientales que controlan la fenología de las hojas son poco conocidos. A pesar de siglos de investigación, los métodos actuales no logran captar la variabilidad específica de cada especie ni las influencias microclimáticas, lo cual conduce a predicciones inexactas de las respuestas de los bosques al cambio climático. Dicha incertidumbre socava las estimaciones del presupuesto de carbono y compromete nuestra capacidad para evaluar la resiliencia de los bosques. En este contexto, el equipo del proyecto LEAFPACE, financiado por el Consejo Europeo de Investigación, propone un cambio de paradigma en la comprensión de la fenología foliar. Su objetivo es dilucidar los controles biofísicos y ecofisiológicos a distintos niveles. Entre las principales innovaciones cabe citar el seguimiento de los controles microclimáticos sobre la fenología, la identificación de vínculos con la estrategia de las especies, la cuantificación de factores colimadores a distintos niveles y el desarrollo de nuevos modelos.


Leaf phenology, the study of the seasonal timing and drivers of budburst, leaf unfolding, maturation and senescence, is the starting point of land carbon (C) cycle models, driving C allocation between organs, and thus largely controlling C budget estimates. It is often cited as one of the largest uncertainties in future climate predictions. Despite centuries of research, the environmental control of leaf phenology is still not fully understood. State-of-the-art approaches empirically relate phenophases to macroclimatic air temperature, unable to capture conditions sensed by the tree (microclimate) or species-specific variability. This translates into models unable to accurately reproduce forest response to climate change. Understanding why trees grow or shed their leaves is thus key to assessing the resilience of forests.

This project proposes a new paradigm for exploring the biophysical and ecophysiological controls of leaf phenology across scales, based on a unified theory linking phenology to species strategy and the coordination of physiological processes in a limiting environment. Key innovations are: (1) new insight into the microclimatic control of phenology through unprecedented monitoring of the bud/leaf energy budget, (2) the identification of the key links between phenology and species strategy, (3) the quantification of the colimiting factors of leaf phenology across scales, accounting for environmental and physiological processes, and (4) the application of a new generation of models incorporating the biophysical and ecophysiological controls of phenology.

These insights are urgently needed to reduce uncertainties in C cycle estimates and to assess the response of forest to climate within the context of the IPCC. These innovations will unlock several domains to which phenology is central (forestry, agriculture) and open a realm of untapped research questions and applications that require robust forecasting of forest dynamics (drought, fire).

Régimen de financiación


Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 2 013 578,00
75007 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 2 013 578,00

Beneficiarios (1)